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All Content by new.grad.rn

  1. Hello everyone, I am a new grad. I've been working on the med surg floor for about a month now. & I realize that I do not like it at all. I am very stressed out. I suffer with a hx of anxiety and bouts of depression before going into nursing scho...
  2. New Grad RN.... work options that do not involve a hospital

    also, I want to say that I am not totally against working in a hospital. It's just this particular hospital, which has a high turnover rate. is known to hire mostly new grads because of this, and also their pay is very low. The hospital is about 2 ho...
  3. New Grad RN.... work options that do not involve a hospital

    Just curious, how do you stick out something that you say is miserable? ((Serious question!!)) I have a very happy go lucky, laid back personality. And being stressed 24/7 is just not my idea of a life. But I do eventually want to complete my year. S...
  4. New Grad RN.... work options that do not involve a hospital

    Wow thats amazing!!! See these are the stories I need to hear. That's phenomenal. Yeah on my floor before I got there the manager said that there have been 9 med errors in the month of January. That is unbelievable in my mind. The only thing I can th...
  5. New Grad RN.... work options that do not involve a hospital

    Thanks Arrow RN! I appreciate your comments :-) hey I also love that show, I am a huge fan of the flash too
  6. New Grad RN.... work options that do not involve a hospital

    LOL! Why because I dont passively let people say whatever they want to me and give no response? She basically just told me that she doesnt know if I should be a nurse, because I get anxiety as a new grad on a med surg floor. Now that I have four cen...
  7. New Grad RN... is this patient load safe?

    Hi everyone!! I have found myself in what seems to be a weird situation. I was hired on a med surg floor to work nights 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Right now I am in orientation. My orientation is only 6 weeks. At nights patient load is 6 patients per RN... the...
  8. Ok great to know!!! I was in the middle of a med pass plus pt was having the stabbing pain. I guess its part of the waiting everyone complains about in the hospital
  9. Hi, I work night shift and we have six patients per night. I had 4 patients (one was an admission earlier on day shift that came in an hour before shift change.) And then I was told I was getting two admissions. And they were within 2 hours of each o...
  10. Sorry to hear ( this is why i want to go into adminstration maybe I can make a difference *shrugs*
  11. New Grad RN.... work options that do not involve a hospital

    I dont get easily stressed at all. Thanks for your two cents though! I'll make sure to buy me something nice with it
  12. New Grad RN.... work options that do not involve a hospital

    I dont get easily stressed at all.
  13. New Grad RN.... work options that do not involve a hospital

    Her questions were rude. Secondly no its not easy to tell someone to do something else. Like I said before if a job is getting to the point where it is effecting ones well being, one should obviously look elsewhere. No research has proven that workin...
  14. New Grad RN.... work options that do not involve a hospital

    I just want to personally thank everyone who actually contributed to answering my question. You all have been a great support and I've learned a lot on this board. I know the options I have now. And I'm very lucky to actually live in a big city, wher...
  15. New Grad RN.... work options that do not involve a hospital

    Here we go again, senior nurses cant handle being called out for being rude to a fellow nurse.
  16. New Grad RN.... work options that do not involve a hospital

    Yes and you also can have tact when talking to a fellow nurse. Her questions were condescending and unnecessary. She probably talks like that to new grads on the job.
  17. New Grad RN.... work options that do not involve a hospital

    Im the OP and she was being insulting and patronizing. Moving on
  18. Like the ton of paperwork follow with questions we have to ask them like advanced directives?
  19. New Grad RN.... work options that do not involve a hospital

    Yes there's actually a student on my floor, that's in a program to graduate and he will have his MSN- RN. And he's never been a RN or on the floor. So yes things like that are possible.
  20. New Grad RN.... work options that do not involve a hospital

    So please dont take this as ME being mean, but did you really think I was going to answer your questions?? You are trying to be insulting and patronizing. You didnt answer my original question. Thanks for reading!
  21. New Grad RN.... work options that do not involve a hospital

    Thanks! My friend gave me a number to contact regarding school nursing. :)
  22. New Grad RN.... work options that do not involve a hospital

    What is office nursing? Sorry there are many specialties of nursing I have not hard of. All through nursing school, it was always hospital, hospital, hospital
  23. New Grad RN.... work options that do not involve a hospital

    What does research entail? Is this an actual job or internship? I wouldnt mind getting involved that
  24. New Grad RN... is this patient load safe?

    How do manage tim wise?
  25. New Grad RN... is this patient load safe?

    Thank you for your advice! I agree that 6 weeks is short. My friends at other hospitals get 12 wks as a new grad. I had a meeting with my manager after my shift. And she basically told me i need to start keep track of what things i need practice with...