iShaybie ADN

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All Content by iShaybie

  1. iShaybie

    Underage drinking question? please help

    Your blood alcohol level was beneath the limit, so don't stress yourself out! :) You'll be fine. If you were in any trouble, that cop would have told you, in some way. You're 19. You can have a drink if you want, we all have. Just be careful. DUI's a...
  2. I wouldn't mention it on your resume yet. Focus on getting your CNA job if that's what you want to do right now, and thennn after your license is active you can put that on your resume for when you apply for RN jobs!
  3. iShaybie

    Help paying for school

    I don't see any rudeness in that particular post. She was very encouraging. Suggesting private loans is one thing, but implying that she's looking for undeserved handouts is extremely rude. She's asking about grants, scholarships, and loans. All apa...
  4. iShaybie

    Help paying for school

    Wow, I am honestly grossed out by some of the responses you received. Disrespectful and unnecessary. Never give up! There are always more ways to get money for school. Always always always. I've changed majors about three times and still haven't had...
  5. iShaybie

    I don't want to clean poop

    Yes! Thank you lol. I'm not sure if medical school requires poop-interaction, but I'm sure it's less!
  6. iShaybie

    Verbal warning about sick calls.....please advise

    This makes me mad! They want you to work while you're sick? I'm sure they'd be pretty upset with themselves if you came in and infected everyone (if you were contagious).
  7. I was in pharmacy school for couple years.. hated it. Nursing is my final choice!
  8. iShaybie

    I don't want to clean poop

    has she considered the medical route instead of nursing?
  9. iShaybie

    Calling in sick, boss harassing me.

    It's only four days.. I don't know why they're harassing you. it's not like you just didn't show up for a week. You even gave them a doctors note. I've never needed a note take off from work. Even for vacations! I'd talk to them when your 4 days off ...
  10. iShaybie

    Welfare Fraud

    I would just think about the child.. Would they suffer? Would they be without medical?
  11. iShaybie

    Suspended without pay for expired TB requirement?

    How long will they suspend you? You can just get it done when you come back or after the holidays!
  12. Yay! I'm looking into getting Timberlands! But, I don't get my packet until March so I'll have to wait to make sure
  13. About the shoes, do they just have to be slip-resistant?
  14. oh my goodness! after reading all the posts, I feel so overwhelmed already!
  15. iShaybie

    What classes did you take with A&P?

    3 classes are 10 credits? Woah that's awesome lol. I took A&P1 with English102, Psychology211, and Sociology101! :) Got all A's and B's... your professor needs to be a bit more confident in y'all's abilities I think. I did those 4 classes wit...
  16. iShaybie

    Grade confusion. Help pls.

    You shouldn't be held responsible or punished for his mistake. You definitely shouldn't have to retake it.
  17. iShaybie

    do schools do random drug tests?

    Never be embarrassed for needing your medication. You will never get in trouble by taking your PRESCRIBED medicine, by law, if I'm not mistaken. Following doctor's orders is the responsible thing to do:)
  18. iShaybie

    Rowan College at Gloucester County students

    Hey! I'm starting in 2016! How is it going so far? Any advice??
  19. iShaybie


    Oh my goodness, I had the same question. I'm nervous about Nursing School having an issue with me being on Prednisone as it suppresses my immune system too. Can a lawyer help in this situation? lol
  20. iShaybie

    Im terrified to start nursing school!

    I'm starting next Fall.. I was nervous about leaving my daughter for the first time! She'll be 2.5 years old when I start. But, I'll only be away from her 3 days a week, for about 6hrs. That's nothing compared to parents who have to work full time! S...
  21. iShaybie

    Calling all non-traditional nursing students!!!

    Thank you!! I'm planning to have my ADN by the times she's ready for preschool.. fingers crossed! Then while she's in school hopefully I can get my BSN! Right now, I'm taking all online courses so luckily I get to stay home with her:) But I know that...
  22. iShaybie

    Calling all non-traditional nursing students!!!

    Hi! 22 years old with a 19mo little girl:) I was in school for pre-pharmacy until I got pregnant.. then decided I couldn't dedicate 7yrs+ to school. And deff couldn't transfer out-of-state once my pre-reqs were done. Sooo I've been taking my pre reqs...
  23. iShaybie

    Can't Lift 50 lbs - Will I be discriminated against?

    I had the same question! I do not work out at allll lol. Are they gonna toss a 50lb weight at you or something? They can't kick you out I don't think. I haven't started yet but it was mentioned during an information session at my school.
  24. iShaybie

    Irritating spouses/family that don't understand?

    I'm not workin in the medical field and I don't see how that's hard to understand, lol! I feel for you girl...
  25. iShaybie

    Why don't you just read the chart?

    I agree with you! Isn't that the point of everything being logged?