Veteran Nurse

Veteran Nurse

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  1. Interviewing with IPN restrictions

    I did not divulge my status to HR, but when interviewed by Nurse Managers I did. IMHO, being honest with the person hiring me went a long way toward my success with the position. If they did not hire...
  2. Please help. Need job SOON!!

    Try LTC facilities. I have had a great experience with an accepting DON, and nurses who passed my narcs for me. I go above and beyond to help the LVN's in any way I
  3. Requirements of TPAPN?

    Congrats on 60 days! Here is the link for TPAPN. If it does not work, go to texasnurses.ogr, and there is a link from there. Stay sober, no matter what....
  4. need help with employment in Ohio

    Keep 'em coming, and you will have enough posts soon. I laugh so much, it hurts at times. This occurred when I had my "Spiritual Awakening", and realized that I never had to take another drink of...
  5. need help with employment in Ohio

    LOL. Happy to see that your sense of humor is intact! Rock
  6. need help with employment in Ohio

    Hi Jim53. Click on his name, and you can send a message or email
  7. A month ago I felt like crud..

    Good for you! Thanks for posting. I remember so well the first 30 days. Keep doing what you are doing, it is working. I found what I always felt I was missing in AA 19 months ago, and I have never had...
  8. student needs advice PLEASE

    I went through something similar, but with my husband at the time. What helped me was a book by Melanie Beatty, "Codependent no more". I started caring for myself, and sought counseling. I also...
  9. Starting over

    Gypsiekate, please come back to this thread to post updates as often as you can. These threads are so important in recovery, and give so many hope. I wish you the best. You can do it. I also want to...
  10. Just When You Think You've Seen It All....

    I post signs at the HOB . As long as there are no names on the sign, it is
  11. difficult co-workers

    I have only had to go to the 3rd step twice in my career. Having a reputation for this means that they respect me for my comittment to my
  12. difficult co-workers

    I have a reputation at my facility that serves me well. A CNA gets one chance to be insubbordinant. The 2nd incident is a write up that goes in their file. The 3rd time they are sent
  13. Wound Expert

    Has anyone used The Wound Expert for documentation at their wound care center? If so, what do you think of it's ease of use for POC charting? Pro's or con's? We are going live with this in June. So...
  14. Help...ER Interview tomorrow!!!

    Relax, be yourself. Your cardiac skills are already strong. They don't expect you to know everything you are going to encounter. play up your strong cardiac background, your ability to work as a part...
  15. group one? someone please help me

    TYo anyone concerned about your GroupOne report. Call them and request a copy. That wat you will know what is on the report before applying or interviewing for positions. This gives you an advantage,...