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All Content by Labmom1118

  1. Wages

    At mine and my husband's jobs, if you don't take benefits when you're first hired, you can't apply until the next open enrollment period which, for both of us, is June/July. So you could potentially be uninsured for several months. My hospital used ...
  2. Wages

    That's crazy! What kind of hospital doesn't offer benefits? I would definitely think long and hard about it as I was applying for other jobs.
  3. Wages

    That does seem low but, if that's what they're paying in the area, you can't expect much more as a new nurse. I went to nursing school in Florida where the starting pay was around $17 an hour but moved to Louisiana right after graduation and started ...
  4. Peer interview

    I would look at this as an opportunity to really learn what the job is like. From somebody on the front lines. And to see how you mesh with the people you would actually be working with.
  5. New RN Grad Interview

    Could you have put your available start date for after you returned from vacation? It's in poor taste to start making demands before you're even offered the job. The employer wants to know that you put your career first. And what good is orienting so...
  6. CNA attire during interview?

    Congratulations. I purchased a pants suit for my pinning ceremony with the intention to wear it for interviews and it worked out well.
  7. Why would an employer want to take on an inexperienced nurse with a restricted license when they undoubtedly have many qualified applicants without that baggage? And, like everybody has said, firing and reporting to the BON over late meds seems very ...
  8. Possible adult admit with minor child in tow

    We have had this situation with admitting OB patients who are dropped off with their kids. We also have older children staying with their mother after delivery without another parent or support person there. We have no policy that I know of to addres...
  9. Second guessing myself need advice

    You might look for a CNA job in OB. We love our CNAs and, while the job is completely different from being an RN, you can learn a lot and get your foot in the door if that's what you really want to do after graduation.
  10. Was your first job out of school your dream job?

    Things worked out for me and I got my dream job at the time. I knew when I graduated nursing school that I hated med surg and really didn't want to do adults period. I really liked newborn nursery. I graduated in May 2008, moved to another state and ...
  11. A speeding ticket is nothing. As long as you were not arrested, it should not show up as anything detrimental on a background check. I would be unemployed many times over if they worried about speeding tickets.
  12. Can I reset my gpa if I never went to a community college before?

    Maybe for acceptance. But your previous GPA is not averaged with the classes you take at your new school.
  13. Leaving nursing. Has anyone else done it? How?

    8 years in. If I can get my stuff together and take the Praxis (find my ACT scores from 15 years ago to not have to take the Core Praxis) then I hope to start school to get my post-baccalaureate certificate and become a high school science teacher. I...
  14. I'm joining the club!

    Movie reference - Mean Girls. "On Wednesdays, we wear pink."
  15. Does being a CNA help with future RN jobs?

    If the nurses on the floor know that you're in school, I bet they will think of you when something interesting comes up. "Hey, bsnorbust, we're doing (insert procedure) in room whatever. Want to come observe?" Or "Listen to this patient's heart (or l...
  16. Disrespectful patient

    Since everything has already been said, I am wondering about the OP's state laws regarding suicide attempts or ideation. I know that Florida has the Baker Act and Louisiana has PEC, both of which call for 72 hours of involuntary psych care. If admitt...
  17. Clinical Dress Code

    Most nursing schools have stricter dress codes for clinicals than the actual nurses wear for work. My school required all white- white pants, white button-down scrub top, white nursing shoes, and white lab coat with the nursing school patch sewed on ...
  18. Can I reset my gpa if I never went to a community college before?

    I agree with the previous poster's points but I'm not sure I understand the question. Reset your GPA? Your GPA doesn't follow you between schools. Your GPA at your current school will stay your GPA and your GPA at your community college will only dep...
  19. Nurse's Week Gifts from Employers

    We get a "Christmas bonus" of $100 (maybe 10+ years get more because I'm 7 years and got the same as the first years) which, coincidentally, is exactly how much it costs to renew our license which is due by the end of the year.
  20. Nurse's Week Gifts from Employers

    I think they're doing popcorn a few days next week which means we get old, cold, stale popcorn that the night house supervisor has to bring around. And a free lunch one day so we would get an old, cold plate lunch that I wouldn't eat anyway. Can alwa...
  21. Do crnas deserve that much salary?

    The doctors can intubate but not all of them are comfortable with it. They don't do it as routinely as the CRNAs so may request a CRNA to do it or be on hand. Of course nurses start IV. I said difficult ones. If we've already stuck a baby multiple ti...
  22. So I kind of messed up

    Since most nursing programs get many qualified applicants and can only accept a small percentage of these, I would expect a positive drug test to be an automatic reversal of your admission. I know that my acceptance package laid out the final require...
  23. How much is a normal raise

    We didn't receive merit raises the last couple of years but they're bringing them back and we just got raises to keep us competitive because we were losing nurses. That amounted to a couple of extra dollars plus an extra $1.50 weekend dif. Really mad...
  24. Do crnas deserve that much salary?

    I work in a rural hospital in Louisiana. We only have CRNAs. They're in a group by themselves and do their own billing so their pay depends on how many cases they do and how much Medicaid/Medicare/insurance reimburses. I wouldn't ever begrudge that t...