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All Content by Labmom1118

  1. Where I work, my co-workers are more like family. We'll go out together, get drunk, and laugh about it later. We text and call each other when we're not working. Go to each other's kids' birthday parties. Considering how much time we spend together a...
  2. Thinking about leaving nursing school

    Nurses do not diagnose. That is one thing that was drilled into us in school. You document and report your assessment. If you want to diagnose, you'd have to go farther than a bachelor's. Or go into medicine rather than nursing. Maybe find work in a ...
  3. How did you get through nursing school?

    Don't push your loved ones away. They help to keep you sane. My now-husband has way better coping methods than me. He doesn't seem to let anything bother him. I struggle with depression and anxiety (since middle school) and tend to be a perfectionist...
  4. You know your nurse brain is still at work when....

    My husband is so stubborn. I had been watching a mole for a while because I never liked the look of it and, after it started bleeding, it was still a few months before I could make him put his health before work. It was no surprise that it was melano...
  5. 8 or 12 hour shifts

    I work both in a level 1 nursery. I do 12's on my weekend and mostly 8's during the week. Oh, did I mention that it's nights? Since we do VS at 0700, 1500, and 2300, doing 2300-0700 means that I have to get started right away on vitals, baths, and we...
  6. Should I become a nurse if I can't work night shifts?

    I have been a nurse for 8 years and still work nights. All of the new nurses coming on wanting days right away just make me shake my head. Most hospitals will make you start at night. If there's a day shift available, you probably don't want it. The ...
  7. Rh + and - and Coombs and blood types

    We do encourage all family members who will be caring for the baby to get vaccinated but we would not give it to them because they're not our patients. We do have an outpatient pharmacy where they can get it.
  8. No babies for this NICU nurse

    No, I do not have kids. And, no, I am not pregnant (Seriously, never ask somebody when they're due unless you know for sure that they are pregnant!). I just tell them no and don't elaborate because it's none of their business and my fertility has not...
  9. NAS, How do you score?

    We use the Finnegan Scoring System and didn't really get any training. Just the descriptions. I don't see how a second person can check you unless they have been with that patient the whole scoring period since it is dynamic. I use my judgment to con...
  10. What is the common practice for oxygen use for diaper rash?

    Never heard of this but it does make sense. We try to air dry, use a soft cloth with just water instead of the wipes, and get an order for diaper rash cream when it is severe. My only concern about this would be the cost of the tubing. Our boss is ve...
  11. Our schedule is made a month at a time. When somebody gives their notice, we know that means that the schedule is going to change so we make a point to watch for a revised schedule.
  12. Saying that you have never been taken off the schedule early makes it sound like you job hop. Are you saying that you went to work that day without checking your schedule? It just makes sense to me to finish up at the end of the pay period and most p...
  13. Student Loans

    You need to consider your area and earning potential. Don't borrow 80K to name 40K. Think about what your living expenses will look like after you've finished school and how much you can afford to pay back monthly. That said, choose the school that ...