acute care for elders, general medicine

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All Content by SH4NNON

  1. Ok, I'm having a brain dead moment...working on a CDM while waiting for the sleeping pill to kick in! The pt: 91F with a-fib, living alone at home, independently What areas of meaningful focus do you see in this situation? Care to throw some ideas ou...
  2. Anyone know where I can get soft scrubs? these scrubs are super soft, really cute, and have just enough stretch to make them really easy to wear. I really love these, can't say enough good things about them!
  3. When you reading assignments is just TOO much

    I will read the first few sentences of every paragraph when I am crunched for time. Generally I get the information that I will need from there. It's not 100%, but it works well for me when I'm under pressure! :)
  4. XS Scrubs?

    I've been wanting to order scrubs from this place... but haven't yet. Does anyone have experience with them? They have lots of colours and patterns, and you can choose the cut of the shirt and pants. I'm pretty sure th...
  5. Did NS make u put on weight?

    I gained about 10 lbs due to poor choices, quick meals, and sitting on my butt studying and doing way too much homework :) I started out packing my lunch, but by the end poutine was my best friend, LOL. Mmmm...poutine. One of my favourite things in a...
  6. 6 right in administering meds

    I was taught...the nine rights right patient right med right route right dose right time right reason right documentation right to refuse right to educate
  7. Need counseling on a life decision

    Can your 6 year old son come and visit you while you're going to nursing school in Texas? You're really the only one who can decide what is best, but I can see why it is so hard for you. *hugs* Maybe sit down and make a list of pros and cons. If...
  8. Early clinicals- are u awake?

    have a good breakfast, it really makes a difference!! On my clinical mornings, I have 2 eggs scrambled with two slices of turkey bacon (I make this the night before, then pop in in the microwave), a yogurt and orange juice. The protein helps keep y...
  9. University of British Columbia

    It is my understanding that UBC offers less clinical experience than community colleges. I hate the stigma that high school counselors put on community colleges - they act as if university is the only option, and it is not. I'm a Kwantlen student, a...
  10. How ironic that this is an issue in an ethics class

    Good for you! I'd be interested in knowing if you see her around after this, or if she "mysteriously" disappears.
  11. Update to my last thread

    I'm so sorry *hug*, take good care of yourself and get lots of rest. Get that hubby to give you some big hugs and love. He's probably upset too, and not sure how to deal with things/is scatterbrained etc. because of how he feels. We're here for you...
  12. "Body Worlds"...the most amazing exhibit!!

    It's coming here on September 15th, I can't wait to go see it!
  13. Who starts school this week!!!

    I start on Tuesday too. I'm terrified!! It's a good kind of terrified though...I'm very excited. I've been out of school for 5 years, but it feels like much longer than that. My whole first week is basically orientation, so I guess they work us i...
  14. Start nursing school tomorrow. I am giong to barf!

    just reading this thread is giving me butterflies...and I still have 2 weeks before I start! AAH! :)
  15. See-thru white scrubs

    Your moniker and this subject together make me giggle. :) Whose moon is chasing you? Darn see-through white pants!!!!
  16. When do you find time to work out??

    I'm planning on taking a textbook to the gym and reading while on the elliptical. Hopefully that'll work out good, I'll find out soon enough!:)
  17. Canadian Nursing Students

    I'm starting the RN program at Kwantlen University College in British Columbia this September. Yay! I grew up in Ontario, I'm from Ajax. Moved out here 5 years ago.
  18. Am I nuts?

    If you're meant to do it, you are. The signs in the past year have been unmistakable for me. I too am leaving a mediocre job with mediocre pay for bigger and better. It's terrifying to leave my comfort zone, but it's worth it! I gave my notice ab...
  19. Does poop bother anyone besides me?

    when my brother was in the hospital last year from an mva (ejected from the car, brain damage but OK now, thank God), he was on morphine a lot, and was rather rude. I remember at one point he farted and laughed because the nurse had to smell it. T...
  20. Nursing Magazines?

    I'd have to pay 2x as much for these as I live in Canada. That sucks!! Anyone know of any good Canadian Nursing magazines?
  21. My Father passed away yesterday!!!!!

    There are no words. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Just take one day at a time. Your father is still with you. *hugs*
  22. The dreaded panty line.......

    This thread is funny (and old!). I couldn't imagine going back to granny panties...hopefully my school will not have any restrictions like that. Thongs are my friends. Since when can people tell you what kind of underwear to wear!? Funny :)
  23. Help, nightshift not going well

    I find if I wake up too early, staying in bed is the best bet. Even if you can't get back into a deep sleep, the rest does you a lot of good. Good luck getting through this! I'm worried about night shifts too, I'm not a night person either.
  24. I'm going to continue working until probably a week or two before school starts. Now my main focus is getting bills paid off, trading in my shiney new car for an older, more economical one, and saving money. Fun stuff like that :) I'm also very eag...
  25. BC Help!!

    Bc is wonderful!! I moved here 4.5 years ago from Ontario, and I absolutely LOVE it! So much to see and do, everything an outdoorsy person would enjoy, and it's all so close by! The rain is really not as bad as I thought it would be, and I have ju...