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  1. ECU CRNA 2018

  2. ECU CRNA 2018

  3. Pros and cons

    Set up some time to shadow a CRNA or NP, that would be the most important thing to do to decide your career path after being an RN. You might find being an RN is enough. After years of ICU nursing...
  4. UNC-Charlotte CRNA 2017

    In my experience they take everything into account. If your previous degree gpa brings down your overall below the requirement I'd hesitate to apply to
  5. Clinical skills woes.

    Don't sweat it will be taught! By the sound of it you'll be ahead of the game with US
  6. Western Carolina University

    Took 2 last year off the alternate
  7. Advice needed

    I would check out the COA school search; CRNA School Search Every school has different requirements and I think it is important where you see yourself and have a support system. Regardless where you...
  8. Western Carolina University

    Hello future classmates! So
  9. UNC-Charlotte CRNA 2017

    Just checked the applicant web page, updated today, no interview for me. All the best to those
  10. Texas Wesleyan CRNA 2017

    I haven't had any updates on the self service center, so I called today and was told the same the my application is still under review. Nothing new to
  11. Ok, so you want to be a nurse? Yes, please check out the pre-nursing forum. Do well on your ACT/SAT to get into college...right. well on pre-req's math, science (bio, chem, A&Ps), get...
  12. CRNA question?

    Yes, one year is minimum, and I know people who were admitted with the minimum. I would say about 3 years is
  13. UNC-Charlotte CRNA 2017

    Application has been word as of
  14. Wolford Crna Spring 2017

    Interview offer
  15. Texas Wesleyan CRNA 2017

    Maybe this