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All Content by cmar13

  1. Opioid Side Effects

    Looking over some stuff while studying and was looking for some input. With opioids, in general, what would be considered the more rare side effects that could be presented. I'm aware of the less frequent ones but looking to a little less common than...
  2. Opioid Side Effects

    Sorry, this is just my mind wandering while I'm studying. So I was looking at the most frequent - the constipation, n&v, dry mouth, sedation Then the little less frequent but still could occur - respiratory depression, urinary retention, confusi...
  3. Drug Question

    Benefits of ASA and Nitro together? Individually I fully understand the usage of nitro for angina pain and the course of action for administering and know ASA can help prevent blood from clotting. So is it they simply just work together in these ways...
  4. Care Plan Help?

    Working on my care plan and I'm a little stuck. I have a patients who is a couple weeks post-op total colectomy with an ileostomy. Few days post-op she went septic and is now undergoing a course of antibiotics. All vital signs are stable now, WBC is...
  5. Care Plan Help?

    she's clear of infection now though, and is just finishing up a course of antibiotics so she technically is infection free now. I'm equally as confused right now and didn't see it as a risk for diagnosis but since my teacher is insisting I used it I ...
  6. Care Plan Help?

    She's currently still recieving 3.375mg tazocin iv qid also
  7. Care Plan Help?

    I thought of that.. I was also going to add r/t site for organism invasion secondary to iv site and abdominal incision.. I was just lost as to how to include her previously being septic since my teacher was very vocal that I needed to include it
  8. Care Plan Help?

    Vital signs stable, there is pain r/t her incision which I have a diagnosis about, her wound is well approximated but not to the extend they believed it would be at this stage. Nutrition status is good, no self care deficits and she's well accepting ...