
shamgr8 BSN, RN

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About shamgr8

shamgr8 has 6 years experience as a BSN, RN.

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  1. Villanova 2022

    is it mostly content from her powerpoints or do you need to read the textbook? Also how strict is she grading those papers
  2. Villanova 2022

    The dilemma I am in is that I have only this Summer and the fall to take what I can prior to starting in Jan. I see that I can take Patho and research in either Summer or the fall, but Pharm is only in-person in the Fall. Do you think taking research...
  3. Villanova 2022

    were u able to take Pharm fully online prior to starting the program?
  4. Villanova 2022

    So I just got bumped to 2022 (initially due to start 2023) and not sure what to take in Summer while working fulltime. I am searching for classes now and see that Phys Assessment is FULL (but is all online). So the 30 students signed up for this must...
  5. Villanova 2022

    what are the 3 classes that you are able to talk prior to starting the program? Are they Research, patho and pharm? Adv phys assessment was also highlighted yellow
  6. Villanova 2022

    CONGRATS to everyone that got accepted!! Can you guys share if there is a math/writing test onsite? THANKS !!
  7. Villanova 2022

    Hey, can you give any insight regarding the outline of the interview? e.g. the types of clinical questions asked, personal questions asked, length of 1-1 interview?
  8. Villanova 2022

    Congrats!! What are your stats and what are you going to do to study for the interview? Will you seek a spot for start of 2022 or 2023?
  9. Stony Brook Nursing Basic BSN Fall 2015 applicants

    Hi guys. I am currently at SCCC just in the process of applying. My question is: if i applied to stony brook from high school and didn't get in, would they still see that? Would they see that I applied as a high school student and also all my grades ...