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All Content by ah123

  1. Hi guys! I wanted to start this forum for people who have been accepted into the Duke ED new grad nurse residency starting February 2018. Any advice on places to live, any updates about starting, etc. Looking forward to meeting you all!
  2. Duke ED new grad residency Feb 2018

    And see you in 12 days at orientation :)
  3. Duke ED new grad residency Feb 2018

    So exciting! We'll both be new to this side of the US
  4. Duke ED new grad residency Feb 2018

    From California, youself?
  5. Duke ED new grad residency Feb 2018

    Yay! I'm so excited to meet you. I just moved out here yesterday myself, so we'll both be new to the area
  6. Duke ED new grad residency Feb 2018

    Best of luck to you!
  7. Duke ED new grad residency Feb 2018

    Hello! For me, the application process went like this: Applied online August 2017 for ED Recieved phone call from recruiter two days later asking for interview Preliminary phone interview two days later (for med-surg) Actual phone interview one week ...
  8. Duke ED new grad residency Feb 2018

    Hey ck641! I'm going to be working at Duke University Hospital, how about you?
  9. I went to a nursing school that had an accelerated BSN program, and it cost about $60,000. It was 100% worth it, and I would do it agian. I was able to finish my nursing program in one year from a well-known nursing school, and every place I intervie...
  10. Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Winter 2018

    They said they are making offers through the month of September, so no news can still be good news :)
  11. Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Winter 2018

    I interviewed for the cardiac step-down last Tuesday and was offered a position last Friday!
  12. University of Rochester ABPNN Sept 2016

    Hi guys! For those of you on the waitlist, did you also receive a letter? Nancy told me I'd receive a letter to let me know about securing my spot for the wait list, however I have not yet received one.
  13. Emory ABSN/MSN 2016 Program

    I called, and they will contact us about the wait list by tomorrow! Monday is orientation & Wednesday is the first day!
  14. University of Rochester ABPNN May 2016

    Just called Nancy and she said mid-feb
  15. University of Rochester ABPNN May 2016

    Any idea when we will be hearing back?
  16. University of Rochester ABPNN May 2016

    It went great! My interviewer only asked about 4 questions, and the rest of the conversation was just telling me about the program. Not scary at all!
  17. Emory ABSN Fall 2016

    I called, and was told we will hear by Dec 15th about the waitlist.
  18. Emory ABSN Fall 2016

    Were you guys waitlisted previously? How did you find out you were accepted? Congratulations!
  19. University of Rochester ABPNN May 2016

    Just had my interview for ABPNN! Good luck to all!
  20. Emory ABSN Fall 2016

    I just called and was told they are revisiting the waitlist after Thanksgiving break!
  21. Yale GEPN 2016

    I received the same email (about them giving out interview selections on Dec 15th). It's a popular date! Counting down the days and crossing my fingers! :)
  22. Emory ABSN/MSN 2016 Program

    Applied oct 3rd, wait listed oct 15th
  23. Emory ABSN/MSN 2016 Program

    I'm wait listed! Undergrad graduated with BS Nutritional Bchemistry GPA:2.94 GRE 154 verbal 155 quant 4.0 writing. Experience volunteering internationally and as diabetes educator & hospital internship for past year with paraplegics and quadrap...
  24. Emory ABSN Fall 2016

    It took them 12 days from when I submitted my application
  25. Emory ABSN/MSN 2016 Program

    I am waitlisted too! Let's hope for the best and wait eagerly for an update :)