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All Content by Mattox

  1. Collin College ADN Spring 2016

    I had 28pts.. A's in all prereqs(no repeats), 6 on PSB... I did have a C in Lifespan Psych and C in English but those were back in 1986 at LSU.
  2. Collin College ADN Spring 2016

    Hi Guys!!! I am also in for spring 2016... I am sooooo scared... I have been a stay-at-home mom for 20 years and took my prereqs one at a time and that was time consuming for me. I'm soon to be a single parent(jerk) so I have I already have a lot on...
  3. Collin College ADN Spring 2016

    Mine also comes around 3:30, but I started getting discouraged by all the views and no responses...
  4. Collin College ADN Spring 2016

    Has anyone checked for letter today? I can see many people viewing(like myself) but no yay or nays... Just wondering