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About LoriAlabamaRN

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  1. What does psychiatric nursing entail?

    As an RN on a child psych unit, I have to agree with the manipulation bit- don't ever take a patient's word for it! And keep a close eye on your pens, notebooks, paper clips, even staples. I have had...
  2. Metal Detectors/Wanding/Frisking

    At my inpatient child psych facility, we search all patients upon admission and after any outing, they have to go to the searchroom with an MHT, remove their clothes and put on a hosiptal gown, their...
  3. Stupid medication question

    It is Advair, and you pull the little lever down (sorta works like those old viewfinder levers) and have the patient put their lips around the mouthpiece and inhale the measured dose of powder that...
  4. RN job in jeopardy please help

    What a relief! I am so glad that you were vindicated in this manner. Be careful about the rumors that have no doubt begun swirling around, it may take a while for them to die down. I would insist that...
  5. RN job in jeopardy please help

    I am so sorry to hear what you are going through! About two years ago, we had a situation where thirteen Percs went missing, turns out (after an exhaustive search) that they were accidentally thrown...
  6. Being the minority/awkward moments

    Well, tonight the four of us women started discussing cramps and our remedies (sort of forgetting our guy tech hanging out nearby) until he piped up "Well, MY remedy for menstrual cramps is to chew...
  7. Made a mistake last night.

    As an RN who worked as a tech on an ortho floor during nursing school, I did the same thing. Felt horrible, got a huge guilt trip from all the nurses who clucked about what a horrible nurse I was...
  8. When patients lie about rides.....

    um... I actually did this once. :chair: Before everyone gets mad at me, let me explain. I was working at the hospital as a CNA while in nursing school, and injured my back near the end of my shift...
  9. I feel rotton

    I truly feel your pain. A month ago, I was fired from a job that I thought at the time was my dream job. Check for my other posts and read the thread... I turned to this board fr support just as you...
  10. What have other nurses done that have freaked you out?

    At the first job I took after nursing school, I was an RN on the 11-7 shift at a physical rehab facility. One of the 3-11 RNs was OCD (literally, in fact she would cite her OCD as a "disability" and...
  11. At my school we had to buy our own Scantrons. They were only a quarter at the bookstore, but if you came to class without one you had to buy one from the teacher for FIVE BUCKS. I always thought...
  12. *koff* *gasp*

    Yup... anything crunchy... even a packet of dehydrated just-add-water vegetarian chili mix straight out of the packet... um... not that I would know anything about this
  13. *koff* *gasp*

    Years ago when I worked in surgery, we had four second-floor OR suites that were not used during the weekend (they were used for plastic surgeries and eye surgeries during the week) and the rest of...
  14. What have other nurses done that have freaked you out?

    Only FIRED??? How about arrested and stripped of her
  15. What have other nurses done that have freaked you out?

    An LPN I worked with at my last job called me into a room where a LOL had just gotten up without calling, tried to walk to the bathroom and fallen. Her bed was soaked with urine, and thie LPN tells me...