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All Content by WIBound

  1. Question about meds

    I wondered that same thing before I started school and agree Guidelines and algorithms are a huge part of the learning process. I am still confused with some antibiotics - I learn one thing is school and in practice none of it seems to be followed w...
  2. Please Help with HUGE Decision

    PA vs NP the opinion all depends on who you speak with... I have known a couple of RNs who went on to PA but the majority go to NP school. I do not know much about the PA programs but I have been told they have more contact hours than a typical NP p...
  3. Burn/Trauma ICU vs SICU

    I always enjoyed the pace of SICU, but it is not going to help so much in preparing for a FNP role. ED is a good place to see more clinic type patients and triage can help sharpen your assessment skills... Good luck
  4. Questions for the ICU Nurse manager

    You want the skinny then you need to speak to the nurses working in the unit. It would be good to speak to both a newer nurse who recently completed the orientation as well as a more experienced nurse. managers/Directors don't always know what real...
  5. I passed CCRN!

    Congrats!! 70% of first time test takers pass. I have a few friends who did not pass the first go round and they were pretty good nurses.
  6. FNP in the Main ED

    The ED where I worked had majority of PAs and a couple of NPs - that was mainly because one old PA did all the midlevel hirings. The midlevels worked fast track and as part of the main ED. The MDs took the more complicated cases and they also signe...
  7. How to prepare to be a Family Nurse Practitioner

    I agree ED helps give you some background in a little of everything especially if your ED sees all ages. Spending loads of time in triage helped too. I could practice (in my mind) thinking through DDs and going through ROS.
  8. Things have changed..

    I am seeing more and more brand spanking new nurses hired into specialty areas such as ICU, SICU, ED, etc... I remember when I was a baby-faced nurse you were placed into medical-surgical areas to develop time management skills and to have a solid ba...
  9. Glut of NPs in coming years?

    That is true of many basic nursing programs. Got a check, here are your books and welcome to the exciting world of wiping backsides and pushing pills!
  10. Things have changed..

    Not all nurses can or should go directly into an ICU and like it or not many green nurses do benefit from the surrounding that is let acute. Get them use to their new role. How many nurses start their first job not knowing any of the medications li...
  11. Stay or Go?

    Update: I left and it felt so good walking out of that hospital after my very last shift. My new facility is so nice and so founded in EBP - just a little sad I will only be there for a few months. I would not mind finding a place like this when I...
  12. NP school reputation

    I read this a while back and thought what school has open book tests?? Since then I have met several nurses who are in programs where they are essentially given open book tests. In my program we have all our tests proctored - which is a huge PIA, ...
  13. Things have changed..

    Amen! Baby nurses who do not have any foundations go straight thru -- I know a few of these and YIKES!
  14. NP Exam Prep Course?

    I had not planned on shelling out the money for a prep course, but all my co-workers who recently graduated say I should use one. I know there are a few places who offer them - anyone have any input good or bad related to these prep courses. My origi...
  15. Air Force Specialty Interview

    Mine was very low key - the person who called had my information and just asked if I had any questions and she gave me her contact info should I have any questions leading up to my entry to the AF.