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All Content by Nursetk4

  1. "My Nurses"

    Thank you for you input. And your opinion is important and welcomed. This maybe a nurse site but working in healthcare we are all members of the same team and each persons opinion is needed. I know that as a nurse I could not do my job by myself. As ...
  2. Feeling like the dumbest nurse on earth

    I know this is hard. But remember this too shall pass. When you get in these high stress situations, take a few deep breaths. Studies show that deep breathing calms you down. I know it seems simple but it works. You are being too hard on yourself. Y...
  3. "My Nurses"

    I take it as a compliment that I am being referred as their NP
  4. "My Nurses"

    I take it as a compliment when I am referred as their NP.
  5. How do you deal with Doctors that insult nurses?

    Best advice.
  6. Feeling like the dumbest nurse on earth

    The above comment is for nurseonamotorcycle.
  7. Feeling like the dumbest nurse on earth

    You made me laugh. I reread my post and thought it said the same thing.
  8. Feeling like the dumbest nurse on earth

    I suggest writing down all the issues you have had with your preceptor. Then put in order the top issues. Have time to process it and when you are in a calm place, make an appointment with the nurse manager to discuss your concerns. I would meet her...
  9. Feeling like the dumbest nurse on earth

    Your experience reminds me of my first job as a RN. I had a preceptor that was very similar to yours. She even called me stupid in front a patient. It was constant put downs. She was best friends with the nurse manager and admin. So I had no where to...
  10. I need a mentor

    I know you are frustrated but don't give up. All this hard work will be worth it. I promise. These experiences will help you when you are dealing with difficult patients or situations where you are humbled. It is teaching and showing you are resilien...
  11. Working while in school?

    You my friend are AMAZING.
  12. Working while in school?

    On my first day of starting the RN program, my class was asked how many of us were working. More than half the class raised their hands. Our instructor told us we would have to quit. Well I did not have a bill fairy. I worked 2 jobs. One full time, o...
  13. I Don't Get the Anxiety Part of Nursing

    Perfectly stated. I could not agree with you more. Being a Nurse is a stressful job. That is why it is so important to have coping measures and family/friend support. In addition, when the stress becomes too much to get help and not be afraid. This a...
  14. Momma said there will be days like this

    So today has been a fabulous day of feeling quite stupid. This transition period is definitely more than I bargained for. I guess it's when you finally think you have something figured out you are sent in a tail spin. I pretty much just need to put...
  15. Momma said there will be days like this

    Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. It is greatly appreciated.
  16. I Don't Get the Anxiety Part of Nursing

    To Ambr46 post 21 You are absolutely right.
  17. I Don't Get the Anxiety Part of Nursing

    I think nursing school curriculum needs to do a better job in addressing the transition period from student to new grad. Coping skills need to be taught. Learning how to care for ourselves is vital. Some employers are better at taking care of their s...
  18. Does everybody want to be a NP?

    Thank you for your post. You said exactly how I feel. I graduated over a year ago and have been practicing for almost 8 months. I love the provider role. I have worked really hard and sacrificed even more to be here. It was not easy to get into FNP p...
  19. Does everybody want to be a NP?

    I try to treat everyone I come in contact with as an important member of the team. I could not treat my patients without the help of CNAs, fellow nurses, unit secretaries and housekeeping. Our patients deserve the best care.
  20. Never Give Up -- My Story

    It's obvious you are missing the point of what was said. It's a combination of critical thinking, being competent and showing compassion. Nothing was said about being superior for being compassionate. The post was referring to taking the NCLEX exam a...
  21. Does everybody want to be a NP?

    This is a response to post number 17. I think this is a great plan. I was a nurse for 12 years before I went back to school for my NP/MSN. I feel my years as a nurse has really helped me in my new role. Being a NP is a great job. However, grad school...
  22. Never Give Up -- My Story

    This is the attitude of nurses eating their own. This thread is not only talking about competency but of understanding that one is human, not perfect. I agree that nursing is a combination of critical thinking, being competent but most important bein...
  23. Never Give Up -- My Story

    Thank you for this post. You hit the nail on the head. We need to support each other. There is so much negativity in our profession. I appreciate those who are brave enough to show the issues that affect them. These are the attributes of being a nurs...
  24. Never Give Up -- My Story

    Thank you for not giving up. I know it was not easy to share your story. There are many components of being a great nurse. Test taking is only a very small part. Being humble and compassionate are far more important than how many times it takes to p...
  25. Never Give Up -- My Story

    I have meet several nurses who were extremely book smart, passed tests with ease but could not have a conversation with a patient. Nursing is a combination of critical thinking, tenacity,passion and caring for others in a way only a nurse can do. It ...