Nurse.Kelsey BSN, RN

Pediatric Hematology/Oncology RN

New grad RN with a passion for pediatric nursing.

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About Nurse.Kelsey

Nurse.Kelsey has 5 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology RN.

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  1. Nurse.Kelsey

    Pharmacology Help

    Hi, I am a new NP student and would love to hear recommendations on pharmacology supplemental books/programs. I really want to find a good question book. Please share your resources! Much appreciated!
  2. Nurse.Kelsey

    FIU BSN-DNP 2020

    careful mods delete links sometimes. Just in case - copy and paste the title into fb search
  3. Nurse.Kelsey

    FIU BSN-DNP 2020

    let me know what its called if you do one if not I can start one ?
  4. Nurse.Kelsey

    FIU BSN-DNP 2020

    Congrats everyone. @rnoodle yes it says in the offer email that all pending tasks are to be completed.
  5. Nurse.Kelsey

    FIU BSN-DNP 2020

    Yes I got an email today with an offer. I applied to peds.
  6. Nurse.Kelsey

    FIU BSN-DNP 2020

    Hi, yea I think youll have to just try to ask the coordinator if you can try. But all the way from the beginning of the application.... its all for a specific track you have to choose. So not sure if they will let you just change it.
  7. Nurse.Kelsey

    FIU BSN-DNP 2020

    Question for everyone: Did you send your transcripts directly to FIU in addition to nursingCAS, through ? Just wondering because when I look through MyFIU it does list it under "to do", and says its to be completed upon admiss...
  8. Nurse.Kelsey

    FIU BSN-DNP 2020

    Congrats on getting accepted at UM! You are awarded the MSN after year 2 of the BSN-DNP program at FIU, from my impression you would be able to take the board at that point in time. You have a big decision to make for sure! When I looked in...
  9. Nurse.Kelsey

    FIU BSN-DNP 2020

    I suppose interviews are all done at this point. Hope everyone did well. 2 weeks until we hear back!
  10. Nurse.Kelsey

    FIU BSN-DNP 2020

    We always are harder on ourselves when it comes to stuff like this. Sure you did great!
  11. Nurse.Kelsey

    FIU BSN-DNP 2020

    If anyone interviews feel free to let us know how it went, and if you got any feedback/response after.
  12. Nurse.Kelsey

    FIU BSN-DNP 2020

    Update: got an email invitation for interviews! They are asking for my FIU ID.... but I don't have one. I may call to figure that one out..
  13. Nurse.Kelsey

    FIU BSN-DNP 2020

    They do have most masters certs... but yea separate from the DNP programs they offer ? sorry ?
  14. Nurse.Kelsey

    FIU BSN-DNP 2020

    Thanks everybody for keeping us all updated.. It helps LOL
  15. Nurse.Kelsey

    FIU BSN-DNP 2020

    What do you mean? Were you intending to apply to the MSN or BSN-DNP program? Or something else?