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About Adenosine_Addict

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  1. Unfortunately, comparing military nursing to civilian nursing is impossible. The military doesn't hold any standard of care (we make it so on paper, but staffing is horrible). We have understaffed...
  2. Got any funny acronyms at your ER???

    That's awesome and I'm going to use it tomorrow. I'd love to have a sign up at the triage desk that says "enablers, please tell your loved on not to fake chest pain, belly pain, headaches or a...
  3. No More Demerol IV Push???

    Demerol should be banned for ER use. I worked at a facility that had a pharm policy stating that opiates are first line pain drugs and Demerol is not. It feels waaaay to good to the folks that seek...
  4. New RN in ER: things I don't even know that I don't know!

    I precept many people to the ER. Unfortunately, what you will find is that the more you know, the more you realize how much you don't know. Learn the basics and treat the ABCs. Everything else is...
  5. what's in your pocket?

    The mention of "the longer you are a nurse...the less you carry" fits me well and I agree. I have my Palm T5 in my pocket, a pen, and my thumb drive. I don't carry scissors because they hang...
  6. Treating in triage

    We do peripheral Xrays at triage only with a mechanism of injury/trauma, never a CT (that amazes me), and only medicate with Tylenol and Motrin (we have standing orders for Maalox and Benadryl...but I...