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  1. Websites...

    Anyone have a microbiology
  2. Nurses: Delighted or Annoyed by Nursing Students?

    The hospital I do clinicals at is a teaching hospital. I am currently od a PEDS floor in the childrens part of the hospital. The nurses are for the most part tolerant of us. They are very...
  3. God I have always done poorly with math. I needed 1 math credit to graduate high school mand slid by . This of course did not help me when I started nursing school.I did math calculations for a whole...
  4. I am a student in the AD nursing program at Thomas Jefferson University.zthe main campus is in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania.I attend classes at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville,Pa.Satellite site) All...
  5. Microbiology - Fall 2005

    Hi I am from Millville,Pennsylvania. I am taking Micro theory & lab right now..I absolutely hate the class. We do a lot in lab for 1 credit. We had our first lab exam last week. We could use note...
  6. Math for Meds

    I also needed a 90 to pass math calc...It was a struggle for me, I practiced a lot, and I do mean a lot and finally mastered it..Keep your head up you will survive.
  7. I am not sure if I can be a big help, but I can tell you what not to do. I use to cram everything into 1 or 2 days. Bad mistake. I seem to have weeks right now that I have 2-3 tests , and it is...