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All Content by rollie

  1. ASN vs BSN

    I went to Ga Perimeter for the reasons you listed...get my RN faster, etc. it used to be that Rn was RN and it didn't matter but now it does. It's hard o get a job as a new grad right now even with a...
  2. Grady Pay for New RN's

    Does anyone work at Grady? I was wondering how much they pay for new graduate nurses.
  3. emory university GPA

    Emory is easier to get into than the public nursing schools. Public schools are a lot more competitive because Emory is so expensive!! You get the same
  4. Need help with a dillema

    Just out of curiosity - why does KSU send out letters so
  5. Is this a good offer?

    It seems low to me. I wonder what hospital you are talking about? Of course it could be that they are able to offer less because of the economy now and it's harder to get a nursing job (at least in...
  6. Atlanta area nurses...I need to vent!!

    I understand your frustration. I work at Emory and the majority of the senior nursing students I've worked with lately said they are all having problems finding jobs - same reason as you. The only...
  7. GPC graduates!!!

    I had no problems finding a job when I graduated in 06. i work at emory and had the choice of several different floors. But Emory didn't hire any new grads this year unless they were part of the...
  8. Georgia NCLEX pass rate

    I graduated from GPC in May of 06. We began in the fall of 04 with about 140 people I think and only 21 graduated with me in 06. And over half of those were repeating a semester. BUT I have heard that...
  9. a few questions on GPC

    Honestly it was a really hard program with a high failure rate. I graduated but only 22 of our original starting class of 140 graduated. That being said, I have heard they have revamped the program...
  10. a few questions on GPC

    I graduated from GPC in 06 and you don't get to pick your specialty for clinicals. You do a basic fundamentals rotation, a med surg rotation, a short mother baby and OB rotation (i got to be in on one...
  11. Is it difficult to find a job in ATL?

    I graduated 2 years ago and got 3 offers right away. I think there are plenty of jobs for RN's as long as you're flexible as to what area you enter. For example it will be extremely difficult to get...
  12. Hey I Need Help Im A New Grad

    You will have NO problem getting a job at Grady. When I was a new grad and interviewed there they offered me the job at the 1st interview. Same with several of my fellow
  13. Thank You Note to GPC's Nursing Program

    I graduated from GPC in 2006. I was not an honors student and only got in because I tested really well on the NET. I worked my tail off and got 3 C's and a B. throughout the program, but I passed,...
  14. any RN-BSN programs in GA?

    So does North Georgia College. They have a location in Kennesaw too I
  15. Is Emory A Good Hospital?

    Chloe - The "bit off" refers to you stating Emory started new grads at
  16. When should I start applying?

    I work at Emory in Atlanta and they'll hire you before you're licensed but only as a nurse extern (which is essentially the same thing as a nursing asst.) You can not pass meds here, etc. without a...
  17. Is Emory A Good Hospital?

    Hey there - Chloe is a bit off. I started at Emory in August of 06 and THEN they were starting new grads at $21.20. The pay at all metro atlanta hospitals is about the same for new grads. When I was...
  18. Getting into GPC

    I think you're being paranoid. They get so many applications they're not having time to look at your dropping history. I think they only look at gpa, science gpa and net score. I graduated from gpc...
  19. Nursing School anyone

    Where did you
  20. GA perimeter college

    I don't remember exactly but it took way longer than any of my friends at other nursing schools.
  21. Thank You Note to GPC's Nursing Program

    They can't just "get rid" of their current administration. That would be great but there are simply not enough nursing educators at this time. Not many nurses are going into education and the aging...
  22. GA perimeter college

    I graduated from GPC. You could send me a private message and I could tell you if I know
  23. GA perimeter college

    No clue. Why do you need
  24. Need Some Job Search Advice

    I have never seen this stiff competition here for nurses. I only graduated last year and had several job offers within weeks after passing the nclex. I do know that emory doesn't hire lpn's for...
  25. Frustration

    That's so wierd. I work at Emory and I know Emory and Crawford Long both have openings in the ER. Please check the website at and click on search