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All Content by MP_FutureRN

  1. SJDC ADN FALL 2016

    Yes, you get the same breaks as any other class (summer break, spring break, winter break etc)
  2. SJDC ADN FALL 2016

    And don't stress, it's not that hard[emoji5]️
  3. SJDC ADN FALL 2016

    Take advantage of summer and start reading as soon as possible! There is a lot of material covered in the first few weeks of class
  4. SJDC ADN FALL 2016

    Congrats to everyone who got in! I will be going into 2nd semester at Delta. I highly recommend taking nursing 1 and 2 with professor porter at DHM, great nurses to work with there and an awesome instructor who you will learn a lot from. Good luck ev...
  5. San Joaquin Delta College ADN Spring 2016 Applicants

    I got in with 66 points, you're in a better position than I was! Good luck!!
  6. Hello! I have been looking for a thread for ARC for Spring 2016 and have yet to see one so decided to start one myself! Anyone applying for ARC's ADN program for Spring 2016 that want to share any questions or concerns while we wait for acceptance le...
  7. American River College Spring 2016

    Nothing here either. Congrats all who got accepted!! Those of you who didn't get in this round, if you are willing to commute I suggest applying to Delta college in Stockton, I was accepted there for spring '16. It is the only ADN program close that ...
  8. San Joaquin Delta College ADN Spring 2016 Applicants

    Is there anyone who has not started the background/drug test process yet? I am still waiting to hear if I was accepted into my local school so I haven't started yet, I'm scared I am falling behind in the process!
  9. American River College Spring 2016

    I just spoke to the nursing department, acceptance letters have NOT gone out yet, she didn't specify when they will be going out. There's still hope!!
  10. American River College Spring 2016

    Looking back on the Fall 2015 blog, it looks like acceptance letters went out on Tuesday of the 8th week, that would be tomorrow for us! I don't know what's taking so long, I wish we could get our answers and stop wondering!
  11. American River College Spring 2016

    No updates on my end either...
  12. American River College Spring 2016

    I hope you're right!!
  13. San Joaquin Delta College ADN Spring 2016 Applicants

    Thank you! That's good to know :)
  14. San Joaquin Delta College ADN Spring 2016 Applicants

    I didn't know we needed them to be evaluated? The student info packet only states that pre req courses taken outside of delta college need to be evaluated prior to graduation and they recommend we have that done during the second semester of the nurs...
  15. San Joaquin Delta College ADN Spring 2016 Applicants

    I emailed the health sciences dept yesterday to clarify which vaccinations are supposed to be completed within 60 days of starting, I'll let you know when I hear back :)
  16. American River College Spring 2016

    Yes, I am about 10 min from ARC
  17. American River College Spring 2016

    I really hope we hear something soon, I have to submit my decision to another school that I was accepted to by Thursday, but ARC is my number one choice... The wait is killing me!!
  18. San Joaquin Delta College ADN Spring 2016 Applicants

    November 24th :)
  19. San Joaquin Delta College ADN Spring 2016 Applicants

    What did you get for your registration date?
  20. American River College Spring 2016

    The class schedule for spring '16 says January 16th, that is a Saturday. I think nursing classes will officially start Tuesday, January 19th
  21. American River College Spring 2016

    My status remains Qualified still as of 10/9, no change in date As far as the TEAS test goes, I don't think you have to retake it for ARC, if I'm correct I think only Sierra requires that you take it within one year of applying
  22. San Joaquin Delta College ADN Spring 2016 Applicants

    DHP is Dameron Hospital
  23. American River College Spring 2016

    Nothing here either
  24. San Joaquin Delta College ADN Spring 2016 Applicants

    I am an hour away as well
  25. San Joaquin Delta College ADN Spring 2016 Applicants

    Ginat2- I believe we are supposed to have access to a link by Friday that will have further instructions for us, it is called the ADN Student Information Packet. Congrats on being accepted!! Sweetandsalty- I had 66 points :) good luck to you next sem...