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All Content by shedevilprincss

  1. BA in Social Work to nursing?

    I worked as a social worker (BSW) for 7 years while taking classes/deciding what I ultimately wanted to do. I was fortunate to keep my job part time as I worked through school. I went back for an ADN and will be pursuing my BSN online soon.
  2. nursys/license

    Same with Maryland! No paper licenses.
  3. Shortages r/t Puerto Rico

    We also received an email about mixing abx at the bedside. We have had the morphine shortage for a while at our hospital but the dilaudid is definitely catching up. And I know where some mini bags are hidden throughout the ER so I'm just keeping that...
  4. Accelerated ADN/ASN Vs ABSN

    I attended what is considered an accelerated ADN program. Post pre-reqs, you could do a 2 year traditional program with summers off or a 14 month straight through program. I had my pre-reqs done thinking I was going another route and ended up doing t...
  5. Preventing call-ins

    Well that escalated quickly. In my old job (pre-nursing days but still in a clinic), I went in on day 2.5 of being sick and ended up going home with strep throat. My coworkers weren't happy I came in at all. taking a MH day used to be my favorite cal...

    That 24 hour job thing got me my first year too. I'm a Type A and always used to feel bad about leaving stuff for the next shift. im better about it now but it's still something I have to work on!

    The whole first year of nursing. Caring for patients and handling a patient assignment on my own. Learning charting and technical skills at the same time. Acclimating to my unit. You name it, overall the first year was hard.
  8. New graduate question

    I think it depends on what field you want. I started in the ED as a new grad with a 16 week preceptorship under a new grad residency. It was hard but I knew ED was what I wanted so I made it happen. I was also lucky that my hospital lets new grads wo...
  9. What to do?

    What kind of orientation would you get in the ER? Will they extend it if you feel you are lagging behind? What are the ratios? Did you do a shadow day--how was the culture, how were the other nurses? What is your end goal? Would you (or your peers) h...
  10. Socks & clogs??? - Help!!

    I wear compression socks, whether I'm wearing my clogs or sneakers. That many hours on your feet for a long time really get to you after a while. ETA: good luck to you! Also, I prefer sneakers to clogs but that is my pref for a 13 hour shift in the E...
  11. Nurses Eating Nursing Students

    Why are you focused on what happened as a student when it appears from your other posts you are now a new grad with a job? Take this experience forward into your practice, continue to seek out learning opportunities and help others on your unit, and ...
  12. Here was my approach when I was precepting: week 1: 1 patient (I take the other 3) week 2: 2 patients (I take the other 2) etc etc until my preceptee got up to all 4 (or 5 depending on our assignment) patients. I didn't mind slowing the timeline down...
  13. Obsessed with Scrubs

    Cherokee infinity all the way!
  14. prescription drug addiction

    Noticed a Facebook "trending topic" this evening (early morning?) about neonatal abstinence syndrome and it talked about prescription drug abuse. Thought it was an interesting article. Researchers say the increase coincides with the increase in opioi...
  15. To tell or not to tell?

    I used Saunders Med-Surg Success (or something comparable for my other classes). Many times, there were almost (if not entirely) direct questions from the books. Its like a freebie. However, its not like I didn't know the material, it was just anothe...
  16. prescription drug addiction

    I like that answer.
  17. prescription drug addiction

    YES! This.
  18. prescription drug addiction

    That was a point I was trying to make. Thanks for putting it into words. Not sure how we ended up on psych when talking about opioids. An ED is a horrible place for a patient in an acute mental health crisis, especially off their psych meds or needin...
  19. prescription drug addiction

    I can absolutely see your point. I can see opioids for acute issues, for a short period of time. I don't work in a field where we are giving anesthesia so I have a different experience. I have the patients who have chronic issues or a lesser acute is...
  20. prescription drug addiction

    Except I don't see patients coming in demanding depakote and lithium refills. /snark Unfortunately I think acute mental health care is also a very broken field.
  21. prescription drug addiction

  22. I was a new grad ADN, no CNA/tech/ED experience. I got in through a new grad program. I don't want to crush your dreams/try to change your mind at all (I love ED, it was my first choice and I wouldn't change it for the world). It was HARD. My nurse m...
  23. Accelerated or Traditional Program

  24. Clinical instructor keeps handing out clinical warnings?

    We do 40mg push in 10ml in the ED. At minimum a 2 minute push.
  25. Nursing school and GPA

    My community college only looked at 11 core classes plus 5 pre reqs to calculate my GPA. I think it all depends on the classes. I was in a similar position, I came out of undergrad with a 3.0 overall but the community college took those 11 class gra...