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All Content by shedevilprincss

  1. Nclex tomorrow: just signed up today

    I did the same thing! Got my ATT on a Tuesday, tested that Friday, 75 q in 45ish min! Congrats!
  2. Welcome To The Hospital - From Your Nurse

    (Newish) ER nurse here. I can't tell you how many times patients have forbid me from starting an IV in their hands or wrist area because of the thinner skin//pain. If I can't start it in the AC or the hand, you are kind of limiting my options. Let me...
  3. Weed and work.

    My school required drug screen prior to starting. But I don't think we got tested during the remainder of the program.
  4. What do you think ?

    Same, if we failed dosage calc (2 attempts), lab skills eval (2-3 attempts), clinical fail, or less than 75% we failed the class. Usually our homework wasn't graded and we relied primarily on exams and/or papers for grades.
  5. Compression Socks / Stockings

    I wear Sockwell compression socks. I like them because they don't roll down halfway through the day!
  6. Feeling rough

    Thanks for the support. This week has gone better than last for sure! *fingers crossed* I'm not jinxing myself!
  7. Feeling rough

    I'm feeling a little self-fulfilling prophecy. I work in an ED as a new grad and just finished week 4. Right now we are 3:1 with our preceptor and will go down to 2:1 and then 1:1. I've been between 1 and 2 patients (call it 1.5) for the past 2 weeks...
  8. Feeling rough

    I keep telling myself that. I appreciate all the good thoughts! I really do.
  9. IV push timing?

    We add small amounts of med that need to be timed (i.e. Solumedrol) to a 10cc flush. Much easier to time.
  10. Question for all nursing students

    Our school would show us the test and go through the answers after our exam (usually they just copied our scantron and read off the answers) so we had an idea of where we stood. They stopped that halfway through our program because of cheating. And ...
  11. New Nurse With Large Disposable Income

    I think you are forgetting taxes and health insurance (assuming you are taking it from your employer). But still, taxes are gonna probably run you around 1/4 of your total paycheck seeing as how you have no dependents//exemptions.
  12. What's wrong with my patient?

    You are on the right track mostly. Go to your med surg book (or google using a reputable site) and look up the side effects of a PE. Also, anytime there is surgery on a large leg bone you need to be concerned about dvt and fat emboli. Next time, shar...
  13. Jealous Friends...

    My roommate was already in nursing school when I decided to go back to school for nursing. She has been an ED nurse for over a year and I just got a new grad resident job on an ED floor. Note to self--ask her if she thinks I'm "copying" her.
  14. Heparin injection question

    You already know you have to give 1 whole vial equaling 1 ml because that is less than the ordered amount. So 7500-5000= 2500. You need 2500 out of the remaining vial to get the rest of your ordered dose. 5000/2500 = 0.5ml. 1 + 0.5= 1.5 ml.
  15. First IV start

    Started my very first IV today (all by myself)! Set up all my supplies, tied my little tourniquet, located my vein in the AC, cleaned the heck out of that arm, stuck the patient (and got blood return, no fishing! Yay). And then froze. Thank goodness ...
  16. First IV start

    I know it's not the ideal! Unfortunately the other arm was unusable due to a new AV fistula and the hand on the same arm was extremely edematous. Unfortunately limited options and he needed blood.
  17. First IV start

    And thank you crackling and Ladyfree!!!
  18. First IV start

    I would have been if I had time to be! ED nursing is definitely a steep learning curve 😭
  19. Now THAT'S a lab result

    BG 985, Na 122, K 5.9. Walking and talking and making me a little nervous to say the least. And argued with me about getting admitted to the hospital.
  20. why do many MAs and CNAs call themselves nurses?

    I wouldn't say I'm terrified of them (I was not on Dr Phil haha) but cotton balls are pretty terrible. I hate the way they feel and sound (if you don't believe me, rub one together next to your ear. YUCK).
  21. GUM! Can you chew it on shift?

    I am a gum chewer in life but agree it's rude at work. And I agree that many people are cud chewers and I cannot stand it. Maybe try mints instead? I should not throw my hat into this ring but it seems to me the above poster is not a nurse from her r...

    As others have said--register the book, read all the HESI hints, and do all the associated practice tests/questions. I passed with a 957 first attempt.
  23. what was your gpa when you got accepted into nursing?

    3.6 overall, 3.75 sciences and 89% on HESI entrance exam. I also have a non nursing bachelors. I got into an accelerated ADN program in MD first go round (it was a very quick decision/turnaround for me).
  24. 48 hr quick results

    Definitely Monday. I took my exam on a Friday and had my results at 9:01 Sunday morning.
  25. why do many MAs and CNAs call themselves nurses?

    I asked one of my dear friends who is a CMA if she ever calls herself a nurse. She told me absolutely not because she has a completely different job than a nurse, but admitted she didn't realize that until she worked with nurses in an outpatient offi...