Hi everyone. I'm so excited to be starting an ADN program in two weeks. The program consists of lecture, lab and clinical ( no extra courses as I completed most in my undergrad). Would or do you have...
Does it really have to continuously move around. I thought I finally found one on amazon. In the description, it claimed sweeping second hand, but it looks like it ticks to me. I don't remember that...
It was good. So much to do. The chairman went over everything andthem we met with advisement so we know what is expected. I thought I had a lot covered, in terms of physical and gathering supplies,...
Geeman, I received my email and said I didn't "meet program requirements" which is absurd. I have to peak with the director to see what that means or if its that's a standard letter or
@ndgambella, A&P is not a prereq anymore (just Coreq) so you can apply. Also, you said eng 102...don't think that is required at all....so that B wasn't taken into account. Idk, this doesn't seem...
Okay guys, This is affecting my sleep :/ if I dd not get in fine, but just tell us either way. Geeman, what was your GPA? Do you have most classes? mine is 3.67 teas 94, 86, 67 only 7-10 classes...