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  1. How do you organize your binders?

    Thank you! That was really helpful. I figure I will reorganize once I'm there, too...but trying to be as prepared as possible!
  2. Hi everyone. I'm so excited to be starting an ADN program in two weeks. The program consists of lecture, lab and clinical ( no extra courses as I completed most in my undergrad). Would or do you have...
  3. Nassau Community College Spring 2016

    I did. They made a mistake (lost some vital
  4. Sweeping second hand watch?

  5. Does it really have to continuously move around. I thought I finally found one on amazon. In the description, it claimed sweeping second hand, but it looks like it ticks to me. I don't remember that...
  6. Nassau Community College Spring 2016

    It was good. So much to do. The chairman went over everything andthem we met with advisement so we know what is expected. I thought I had a lot covered, in terms of physical and gathering supplies,...
  7. Nassau Community College Spring 2016

    You probably won't be called until people let the director know they won't be taking the
  8. Nassau Community College Spring 2016

    Geeman, if you call they will tell you over the phone. The waiting was the worst part for me. Good
  9. Nassau Community College Spring 2016

    Sorry wannabe. We all had good stats. I'm glad you found another
  10. Nassau Community College Spring 2016

    Geeman, I received my email and said I didn't "meet program requirements" which is absurd. I have to peak with the director to see what that means or if its that's a standard letter or
  11. Nassau Community College Spring 2016

    I called and they told me ver the phone. Unfortunately, I didn't make the
  12. Nassau Community College Spring 2016

    @ndgambella, A&P is not a prereq anymore (just Coreq) so you can apply. Also, you said eng 102...don't think that is required at that B wasn't taken into account. Idk, this doesn't seem...
  13. Nassau Community College Spring 2016

    Okay guys, This is affecting my sleep :/ if I dd not get in fine, but just tell us either way. Geeman, what was your GPA? Do you have most classes? mine is 3.67 teas 94, 86, 67 only 7-10 classes...
  14. Nassau Community College Spring 2016

    No email, portal change or letter today :/ Anyone get anything or talk to the school? This is becoming
  15. Nassau Community College Spring 2016

    Not even on a wait list? I'm surprised. Must be a really competitive