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About vwatson177

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  1. TCC Spring 2016 Applicants

    I turned in my app today and she said there were about 300 applicants so far, and since they have had some fixing the system that it should be towards the end of September that we'll find out. Best of luck to everyone! Stay positive, don't lose hope ...
  2. TCC Spring 2016 Applicants

    I have 2 As and 1 B with a 88.5 HESI, not as high as I wanted on the HESI but I guess it will have to do at the moment. When I turn in my application tomorrow (I guess technically today) I'll let y'all know what Katherine has to say about the other a...
  3. TCC Spring 2016 Applicants

    Hey guys! I completed all my application stuff and was going to turn it in on thursday but things came up and i had no way up there :,( I did NOT wanna cut it this close, but i could still turn it in on the 31st, right?