
NicuHopeful93 RN

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All Content by NicuHopeful93

  1. MedSurg to Level II Nursery

    Hi all !! I have been a MedSurg- Tele nurse for about 1 year and a half. I love the hospital I work for but It has been my dream to work with babies since I started nursing school. I have an interview for the nursery at my hospital on Monday! I have ...
  2. Merced College Fall 2018 & Spring 2019 Applicants

    Don't lose hope alternates ! There's always a chance people will drop their spots and then space will open up.
  3. Merced college ADN

    Im looking to apply for Merced college's nursing program for this fall as well as other nursing schools in my area. I've been having trouble finding any reviews on here about their program! Has anyone here been in or applied to their nursing program?...
  4. Merced college ADN

    thank you :) it's great I love merced college and I know you guys will too! I private messaged you
  5. Merced college ADN

    Good luck to you guys in January ! I'll be seeing you guys around, I'll be in second semester :) you guys will do great ! Any questions pm me :)
  6. SJDC ADN FALL 2016

    Hi everyone! I wanted to start a thread for the people who are applying to San Joaquin Delta College's nursing program for FALL 2016 cohort. I know the application period is still a month away but I'm just so excited. I still need to take my TEAS. Ma...
  7. Merced college ADN

    I will definitely keep you guys updated ! I'm excited and nervous lol good luck to the rest of you in the spring !
  8. Merced college ADN

    Hey everyone! I just got offered a spot for the fall 2016 class at Merced, so some alternate will get my spot for spring 2017! Is anyone else here in for fall 2016??
  9. SJDC ADN FALL 2016

    That is awesome ! Congrats ! Thank you for replying. I called the health science office to see where I stand and she told me they called 4 people so far. So I guess I'll still wait and see
  10. SJDC ADN FALL 2016

    Did any alternates get called yet ?
  11. SJDC ADN FALL 2016

    I'm sure you will be getting that call soon! Possibly by next week. I'm #13 so I don't know if I have a chance but I'm holding on to hope ! I really hope it's a good year for alternates too lol I literally check everything 10x a day still! Lol it's s...
  12. SJDC ADN FALL 2016

    Do you think you could let us know if they say anything about the alternates Monday ? Thank you :)
  13. SJDC ADN FALL 2016

    Same here.. My status has not changed í ½í¸ž I think you have a 99.999999% chance of getting in since you are alternate #2! That's great!! I hope you get your acceptance email soon. The wait is driving me crazy
  14. SJDC ADN FALL 2016

    How do we find out if the alternate list has been bumped up at all?
  15. Merced college ADN

    Thanks for letting me know what they said :) I can't wait to meet you too! This experience is so exciting
  16. Merced college ADN

    Do any of you know what we should bring to orientation on Tuesday?
  17. SJDC ADN FALL 2016

    Thank you for your reply catlover95 ! Now I can be a little at ease lol I guess I'll just have to wait and see
  18. SJDC ADN FALL 2016

    Wow that is crazy!! I can't believe they are making you guys pay $100 by tomorrow. I wish you both the best of luck though!
  19. SJDC ADN FALL 2016

    I wonder if alternates get that packet, cuz I can't find it anywhere not that it matters right now I'm just curious about everything lol more patient waiting for me
  20. los medanos 2016 rn program

    Congratulations !! :)
  21. los medanos 2016 rn program

    Hi everyone I didn't get in either not too bummed though because I'm in at another college for spring and an alternate at delta. I wish the best of luck to you guys in the future ! And congrats to anyone who did get in
  22. los medanos 2016 rn program

    Good luck !! I'm going to be so anxious all day until 5 lol
  23. SJDC ADN FALL 2016

    Congratulations to everyone who got accepted!!! You guys must be so happy! :) Delta is my #1 choice school so I'm praying I get bumped up from the alternate list! I got accepted at another school but I'm really hoping to get accepted for Delta's nurs...
  24. SJDC ADN FALL 2016

    Yay !!! Im an alternate as well!!! SO happy!
  25. SJDC ADN FALL 2016

    OMG!! this is just crazy. Cant they just make up their minds already! I keep getting excited and then they keep doing this. UGH:banghead: