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  1. Infection control question

    I don't know why but I saw this Ensure blood pressure cuff and stethoscope are cleaned and disinfected between patients But you said "Airborne precautions mandate use of dedicated disposable...
  2. So I'm reviewing infection control section for NCLEX, and I had one thing that can't be found on internet. Does anyone know which specific precaution needs nurses to use the stethoscope which...
  3. Failed Nclex, not a good feeling

    I haven't yet because I just got the result today. NCLEX is actually surprisingly different than I thought before I took the test. Are you planning to start reviewing soon after got the CPR? It would...
  4. Failed Nclex, not a good feeling

    Hi OP, I also found out that I failed today. Would you be interested in brainstorming some retaking learning methods with