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All Content by VicChic20

  1. What did you use to study for the NCLEX?

    I was using this review book called Master the NCLEX-PN by Peterson's. It went through all the content of nursing: basic concepts, pharmacology, mental health, maternity/newborn, pediatrics, oncology, then med-surg nursing and each chapter focused on...
  2. Taking NCLEX January 4, 2017! HELP!

    Hi! I am in the same boat as you. I just took my NCLEX this morning!! I wanted to give myself enough time to study and refresh my mind with concepts or areas I wanted to brush up on. I think studying a chapter a night and being exposed to NCLEX sty...
  3. What was the best thing about CNA school?

    I had a decent sized class, and the instructors were very good at making sure we were on top of our skills and making sure they were correct. I enjoyed the clinical days when we went to an actual real-life setting. It was nerve-wracking, scary, and i...
  4. Hello everyone, I am currently a CNA working at a nursing home and have been for 5 and a 1/2 years now. I have recently been accepted into an LPN program and I begin in January and it goes until next November 2016. One, I am so so excited and thrill...
  5. new year resolution

    You can do it! Remember you are doing this for a better life and a better financial future for your family. Know that you have what it takes to achieve it. Set aside times during the week to study, focus on schoolwork, etc. My resolution is to start...
  6. I cannot believe how inconsiderate and disrespectful this college was to the student's disability. They were wrong when they booted her out of the program. It makes me angry that there are people like that who can't be understanding and provide the n...
  7. How to be Successful in Nursing School

    I took the TEAS V test for the pre application process. It wasn't a super hard test, but definitely needed the time to study to get familiar with the material.
  8. Jobs

    I think you would be better off trying a LTC/Nursing home place for finding a job to only work holidays and summer breaks. You can choose to go per diem and choose when to work so you can complete your hours. Good luck!
  9. Clinical rotation age discrimination

    It's not really age discrimination based off of one's walking speed. They probably are accustomed to that speed because of the busy, hectic environment they're working on. I'd try to reframe your mind about your preceptor and learn to pick up the pac...
  10. How to stay away from smoking!!

    Realize how far you've come and how good it feels not smoking and smelling bad and having it take over your life. You're a champion for fighting thru this and let the urges go by. Understand that urges come and go but act like they are clouds floatin...
  11. Nursing School and motherhood

    Try to realize that the schooling is temporary and won't last forever. You're giving your family a better life with a better income. You're also setting a great example about furthering one's education. Try to spend a fair amount of time with your ch...
  12. Hurt and Betrayed

    Im sorry this happened to you, however it's not really a big enough issue to violate HIPPA since you two were supposedly close classmates. You chose to share your personal information to this classmate and assuming she would not tell others. I think ...
  13. Too Much Competition!

    I think making nursing so competitive is a positive thing for potential students. Not everyone is cut out to be a nurse, but the ones who push through the envelope and put in the effort of making good grades, seeking out references, getting experienc...
  14. CNA Accused of Abuse

    Is this resident alert and oriented at all? If so, next time if she becomes combative , try leaving her be for a few minutes to calm her down, then reapproach her. As for the investigation, take deep breaths and be honest and direct about what you wr...
  15. Overstepping boundaries

    It's a real issue when a housekeeper tries to being your boss and tell you what to do and how to do it. I don't get how some feel that they have any authority over CNAs. I personally wouldn't let those two housekeepers behavior slide, it is wrong and...
  16. frustrated CNA

    It is rough having to deal with physical behavior on patients who are advanced dementia or just plain psychotic. I admire that you've stuck it out and it sounds like you are feeling some burn out. Don't blame you though! You may need to change enviro...
  17. Interesting patient behavior

    While it may seem odd, that resident may be comfortable with that sort of behavior for achieving daily ADLs. Just make sure she's not losing balance while walking backward. We have one resident here at my nursing home who always wants to wear the sam...
  18. Incontinence care of resident question?

    I think it is not necessary to change gloves three times during the peri care process on one resident. Just make sure to wash hands after each glove usage of each resident you do incontinence care on, and switch gloves obviously lol.
  19. Being the best CNA possible..

    Be on time or a little early so you're not rushing. Listen carefully during report on the residents. Follow the care plan exactly. When there's 2-assist transfers or other types of two assist, always find another person to help you. Use good body mec...
  20. Where to cross the line with patient rights?

    A resident has the right to refuse care if they are alett, oriented and able to be with it. You should never use force on a resident. All you can do is tell the nurse and document that they refused. If they are demented , they can't really speak up f...
  21. CNA=Poop cleaner?!

    Cleaning up poop is not all we do. That nurse is silly for commenting about CNAs like that. Yes, cleaning up after a resident has an accident is one of our duties but we also do a tremendous amount of other duties, too. We wash them up for the day Or...
  22. current CNA pay 2015

    I live in the Rochester, NY area and work at a nursing home. Been there for 5 years and currently making $12.75 an hour.
  23. holidays on the brain

    I think a lot of us feel this way, we only have a few more weeks left but it feels like a long stretch! Don't lose your focus too much! We are almost done!
  24. Feeling like a Loser * Dropped all my classes this semester *

    Your situation mirrors mine exactly, it's almost creepy lol. I've done that too with starting the semester off unfocused and not ready at all about 2 years ago, and ended up failing 1 and withdrawing the other 2 was a horrible feeling and ...
  25. Physiology question.

    I wouldn't fail the class just to retake it. I suggest try talking with your professor about doing extra credit work or have her teach you some of the material during her office hours. Take more,time,out to study and read the chapters and use quizzes...