

Nurse's Aide

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All Content by VicChic20

  1. I hate my new CNA job

    It is unfortunate that you were given false information from your boss when you got interviewed, however, it sounds like the number of patients you take care of is not that bad. I'd say try to stay with it until you get your feet wet and have some ex...
  2. 9/11 This week as a PreRN I learned....

    This week, I learned how adjustable I can be when situations go haywire. - We had rain all weekend in my area in Upstate NY, and the nursing home I work at has two buildings next to each other. I work at the first building. The other one had roof le...
  3. Day in the life of a CNA?

    What shift do you work? 1. I work the Night shift.(11-7:30am) Where do you work? (LTC, assisted living, hospital, etc.) 2. Long-term care/nursing home. How do you like it? 3. At first I struggled a bit because I was a brand new CNA and had no idea w...
  4. I think it's do-able, but it is going to be a difficult time period. It all depends on the type of person you are when increased stress and work gets brought on. Are you a very organized person? Will you be mentally prepared to switch tasks? Really t...
  5. Psych/ Anxiety

    It does feel like anxiety and mental issues as a whole has been surrounding us more and more each year. It just feels like everyone has an anxious-filled mind lately, but it is probably a number of influences that is making kids and teens more anxiou...
  6. Things I Am Grateful For (Vol. 1)

    I am grateful for: Holding down a job as a CNA. Having a job in general. Having a memory foam mattress to sleep on. Teamwork in workplace. A quiet morning. My significant other. The strength I have to keep at it on night shift for 5 years. Pumpkin f...
  7. What is your job title (CNA, medical assistant, medication aide, HHA, PCT, PCA)? CNA Where are you located? Rochester, NY What is your hourly wage? $12.75/hr Are you paid shift differentials? No What shift(s) do you usually work? Nights (11-7:30am) W...
  8. Never Give Up on Your Dreams

    It is incredible what someone's drive and passion in life can let them do. I applaud you for not letting your medical issues keep you in the way of your goals. I hope everything is good and you're healthy.
  9. BA in unrelated field first a bad idea?

    I think it is awesome that you have many interests about what kinds of classes you want to take, however I think if you really want to pursue nursing that you shouldn't waste too much time on other areas of interest. Sit down with yourself and let yo...
  10. How to do well in A&P

    I am the type of learner that information doesn't come naturally to me either. To do well in Anatomy, you should utilize flash cards. Either create your own or print them out. Use them on a daily basis and whenever you have free time. The more exposu...
  11. (8/29) This week, I have learned......

    I have learned that no matter who the resident is or how stubborn they can be, you still have to respect them to some extent. There's a resident at the nursing home I work at who is blind and is very particular in her ways on how she wants to be take...
  12. Is an associates degree in nursing a waste of time?

    It is not a waste of time to get your ADN, you're still becoming a nurse. Block out what others say. This is your career and your dream. Good luck!
  13. Interested in Nursing

    First, you need to end with all the negative self-talk. Having these thoughts of not being good enough or not being smart enough won't help. You need to sit back, re-evaluate who you are, where've you been and what you really want to do in life. If n...
  14. STUDY? HOW?!!!

    What has helped me in pre-req courses has been writing down notes, re-writing the concept of a topic in your own words, and reading the material well in advance so you can have a solid foundation walking into your next class. Also, take time each day...
  15. Acceptance into program

    Your situation is an exact mirror image of what my situation is and it gives me hope that I can do this too. Congratulations on your acceptance. Hard work and persistence pays off. Best of luck to you!
  16. Should I even apply? Haven't taken A&P 1 or 2

    I strongly feel that you should take the A&P and Microbiology before applying. These three sciences are important for a reason and that's why they should be taken before getting into any nursing school. It is like setting up your knowledge founda...
  17. Days vs Nights

    I am a CNA who works at a nursing home on the night shift. I've been at it for 5 years now, and I can say there's work to do, but it doesn't feel like a tremendous amount. The duties that I observe the nurses doing are few medication passes, sometime...
  18. You have the chance to get into the nursing program, but I recommend improving those science classes, and working your butt off. I took Physiology twice because the first time I failed it, partially because my heart wasn't 100% into it. I took it a s...
  19. Pre-req question!

    It is tedious to do all of these prerequisites first, but it is necessary so you're better off being successful in these classes. Algebra is a language all on its own, so it makes sense on why they want you to take it before chemistry. It is annoying...
  20. Anatomy Help!

    Anatomy felt like a ton of memorization and just repeatedly going over body parts/words of the different body systems. It felt a bit daunting at the start, but once you have a general plan on how the syllabus is being played out, you can start making...
  21. Satisfying exhaustion

    I always feel like this after a hectic/busy night shift. Even though I will feel exhausted or overwhelmed sometimes, on the commute home I will do some reflection that I did the best I could and made someone's night (day). It keeps me coming back.
  22. How I Passed the TEAS Exam

    Thank you for this detailed, helpful, in-depth review on what the TEAs exam includes and the process of being prepared. I purchased the Manual as well, and it is the best investment as far as preparation goes. It has everything a study guide needs, a...