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All Content by Kendra250

  1. Camosun BSN - Fall 2016

    Again congrats! I went in there today because I'm getting a little impatient. They told me the end of the month, but I'm glad to hear that someone has heard some good news! Hopefully I will hear something this week :)
  2. Camosun BSN - Fall 2016

    Thanks for the information. Hard not to be impatient when I was told it shouldn't take more than 3 weeks to hear back, oh well! Hope to hear something soon :) good luck to you all.
  3. BCIT nursing Sept 2015 intake

    Great thanks, one more question, did you have prior experience or volunteer work?
  4. BCIT Nursing January 2016 Applicants

    Im alsp hoping to apply for the January 2016 intake, not sure if i will get my physiology done in time though. Out of curiosity, what are your anatomy and physiology grades like? good luck!
  5. BCIT Nursing January 2015 Applicants

    Hi congrats on your acceptance! I was just curious as to the questionnaire you had to do, what were the questions like. Also, how are you enjoying the program?
  6. BCIT Nursing January 2015 Applicants

    Hi just wondering if you were accepted in the jan 2015 intake?
  7. BCIT nursing Sept 2015 intake

    Hi just wondering if you were accepted into the august intake? if so, if you dont mind telling me, what were your grades for your anatomy and physiology?