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  1. Studer?

    How has Studer worked out for your facility? In principle, it's all very good. However in execution, our facility has seemed to lose touch with reality and moved out all of its proven high performers who have always behaved ethically, and moved in ve...
  2. Studer?

    It is what it is, weather or not anyone can handle the truth, this is happening in my place. Looking for real, constructive input, I know there are other facilities that have big problems too.
  3. Studer?

    Thank you.
  4. Our facility chronically leaves our ED shorthanded by 25% to 75% in Nursing staff. This leaves extremely unsafe staffing ratios, I'm talking up to 11, 12 patients to 1 RN; also our RNs often must do our own housekeeping, be security for violent event...
  5. Chronic Extreme Emergency Department Shortstaffing

    Thank you. These are scary times in some ERs around the country. I may try to lobby for a safe harbor type of program in my state. Thank you for that information.
  6. Chronic Extreme Emergency Department Shortstaffing

    I love the ED so I would still go there. It's our facility that has lost complete sight of the patient, relying upon extreme short staffing to maximize profits. It has become extremely dangerous to work there.
  7. Chronic Extreme Emergency Department Shortstaffing

    Might be time for me to do that.
  8. The Controversy: Mandatory Flu Vaccines

    Someone who does not get the Flu vax, does not get the Flu so does not pass it to patients is more dangerous than this? Deaths by medical mistakes hit records | Healthcare IT News
  9. The Controversy: Mandatory Flu Vaccines

    Again...we will see. Strong legal arguments abound. Strong ethical issues abound.
  10. The Controversy: Mandatory Flu Vaccines

    Have you even read the posts in this forum?
  11. The Controversy: Mandatory Flu Vaccines

    For those who may have been under a rock, this has been the recent buzz about Peer Reviewed studies and Scientific Integrity (aka *gasp* some scientists have been hasty, inaccurate or unethical): How science goes wrong | The Economist Hank Campbell: ...
  12. The Controversy: Mandatory Flu Vaccines

    We will see how it goes when the lawyers come out. The Flu vaccination mandate brings up all kinds of Civil Rights and Medical Ethics issues. Sorry this isn't 1975 USSR, this is the USA.
  13. The Controversy: Mandatory Flu Vaccines

    As of late 2014, medical errors are the #3 cause of death in the U.S. This is one reason why I don't sit on my high horse as a Bachelor's Degree educated RN. Also have several other college degrees, decades of experience, but still do not condone the...
  14. The Controversy: Mandatory Flu Vaccines

    It's called Coersion and it's Unethical. At the point where the RN is asked to take a medication into his or her body, that staffmember becomes a Patient. To coerce a Patient into taking a medication he or she does not want to take is considered assa...
  15. The Controversy: Mandatory Flu Vaccines

    Pretty unethical those here who are mocking Patient Choice. Judge, judge, judge. Ethically, our jobs are not to push our personal beliefs upon patients, but to inform them of the choices, the risks and benefits associated with them, and it's the pati...
  16. The Controversy: Mandatory Flu Vaccines

    Exactly right!
  17. The Controversy: Mandatory Flu Vaccines

    Hoorah! Yes!
  18. The Controversy: Mandatory Flu Vaccines

    Lo and behold the day after I posted on this thread I had a fully immunized pediatric patient who had had the mumps months ago. .
  19. The Controversy: Mandatory Flu Vaccines

    Always baffles me when those who are pro-influenza vaccination imply that because they vaccinate their children, they are more compassionate than the rest of the world. Then in the next sentence will have such a hostile and indifferent stance when th...
  20. The Controversy: Mandatory Flu Vaccines

    I agree.
  21. The Controversy: Mandatory Flu Vaccines

    Not necessary for you to be inflammatory and make personal attacks. There can be a respect for many opinions here without resorting to childish polarizing tactics. I am actually quite well educated with degrees in not just Nursing, but in several oth...
  22. The Controversy: Mandatory Flu Vaccines

    Article about the Bioethics of tricky Informed Consent. Medical Research Stakeholders Seek to Overturn Informed Consent Protection | AHRP In the article it states that lack of strong or clear informed consent for studies that carry risk to the subje...
  23. The Controversy: Mandatory Flu Vaccines

    I took lots of science courses and was an avid reader of scientific studies. The most very basic principle of science is, "scrutinize everything". The pro-vax camp who are dead set against scrutinizing the vaccinations to the point of ignoring actual...
  24. Working in a Trauma Center but nervous about Traumas, advice appreciated

    Caffeine. Be sure to have a steady source of caffeine that's easily accessible at all times.

    That makes my heart happy.