

Geriatric (LTC & SNF)

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About cheleb61

cheleb61 has 10 years experience and specializes in Geriatric (LTC & SNF).

Latest Activity

  1. LPNs as Unit Managers?

    When I lived in New Jersey, every facility that I worked in required that the unit manager to be an RN. When I moved to Florida, I was shocked that LPNs could be unit managers and where I live it...
  2. State Tags

    I know glucometer cleaning is an issue. Make sure you are following the manufacturer's guidelines and using the proper cleaning product. Also make sure that the barrier is used and the glucometer is...
  3. question for don..plz

    I would check your state's requirements for an infection control nurse. I know in Florida, you can be an LPN in the infection control position. I think this position is one that an LPN can do but...
  4. If you don't mind me asking, what state university did you go
  5. Feeling very incompetent..

    I can't believe they have you taking care of so many residents. That is absolutely insane. Do not feel like you are incompetent. Bruises of unknown origin happen a lot, unfortunately. Especially if...
  6. Falls & drops in LTC

    We have lifts in our facility and it is policy that two people must be present when the lifts are in use. I have only had once incident (that comes to mind) where the resident slipped from the sit to...
  7. Check out the Advance for LPN's website. I believe they advertise a wound care certification course in their magazine so they probably have that info on their
  8. LTC Floor Rehabilitation

    That sounds reasonable to me. We only have to chart weekly because that is what corporate has said we must
  9. LTC Floor Rehabilitation

    In my facility we have a daily flow sheet for each resident on a Restorative program. The RNA documents the # of minutes each exrecise was performed. There is also a comments section where they are...
  10. Florida Nursing License

    I moved from NJ to FL 2 1/2 years ago and transferred my license here. The process took about 3 months but only because they lost one page of my application. Once they got the missing page, it only...
  11. " I dont have to be better than the others"

    That's great!! Sometimes it takes something serious to make people wake up and smell the
  12. Do you have a regional/corporate nursing/clinical manager that you can talk to about
  13. Baby-ish Activities?

    We have someone in charge of our Christmas party every year. They have bake sales and cookouts throughout the year to fund our party. They also do 50/50 raffles. Last year they gave away a laptop...
  14. Does your facility have any policies about yearly physicals? At my facility, all employees have to an annual physical and they have to be able to do certain things, like lift a certain amount of...
  15. Chancellors Question...

    I agree. Get the guides on ebay instead of buying them from the company. They are so