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All Content by q12RN

  1. Cut Staffing!

    Our hospital is wanting to cut our staffing to 2 RN's when there are no pts on the unit, just to save money:nono:. We are LDR not LDRP. Our babies room in with moms. Our delivery rooms are separate from the rest of the unit so when there's a delive...
  2. Shoulder dystocia!!

    We had a real bad one a while back that 2 Dr's were in the room and one was Very calm and one was hysterical. I was nervous as heck but kept my jets cool. Dr broke the baby's humerus getting it delivered but the baby lived. :)
  3. Evidence-Based practice re: Pitocin Inductions

    we use 10 units in 1000cc D5LR
  4. Why Do Dr's do this?

    When you do your cx exam on a pt who is in to be checked and you call them 2cm and 50%, BTW I can easily fit 2 fingers through the cervix and the baby'd head is easily palpated so she's probably closer to a 3, I cal her 2 cm to err on the cautious si...
  5. Disagree with the Dr

    ok the episiotomy thread made me think of this. but do you ever argue or disagree with the dr? i watched a 3rd degree tear that followed a midline episiotomy, but when i asked to confirm that the dr was calling it a 3rd degree he said no, just midli...
  6. Have you had a baby at your hospital??

    I have had all 4 of mine at where I work and will this time as well.
  7. Silly Episiotomy Question

    I seen an episiotomy Friday that was done but the mom had an epidural, good thing she did cause she tore down past the episiotomy almost to her rectum.
  8. Any ideas about this?

    When a newborn has alot of edema in the feet/ankles, doesn't move the hands or feet, and from appearance you would think there are no bones in the feet/ankles? Upon palpitation there are bones. I had never seen this before until a few days ago and wo...
  9. Any ideas about this?

    O2 sat didn't get past 82 with blowby, momma was an induction and her max temp was below 100. I was taking care of the momma and was doing her pp care while the others were working on the baby. Baby was mostly limp and didn't breath well. Retracted a...
  10. Any idea what this is?

    Baby was a female. But the edema was only in the feet/ankles. The rest of the baby wasn't edematous. Also this baby had resp problems, it was retracting as soon as they got it to breathe, itself took some stimulating and went straight to the nursery.
  11. Any idea what this is?

    When a newborn has alot of edema in the feet/ankles? I had never seen this before until a few days ago and would like to know if you guys have seen this and what it may be. Baby didnt have grasp reflexes either. Im thinking genetic disorder.
  12. Postpartum nurses and circumcisions?

    Our hospital does em all the time. I havent had to assist with one yet. BUt when our baby had a circ i asked for tylenol afterwards and they told me they couldnt give him any. SO I told my husband to go to the store and bring me some infant tylenol s...
  13. my first time seeing a dad almost pass out

    I almost had a dad pass out last week. I asked him if he was ok and he said that he "cut meat" for a living and blood didnt bother him. I told him that this was totally different. So when pushing came and he glanced down there he almost went out on...
  14. Do You Have Any Favorite OB Myths?

    Heard that if you drink Earl Grey tea it will cause you to go into labor 2 weeks before your due date. Red raspberry tea will "tone" your uterus and make labor easier. Theres no need to push a baby out! your contractions will do ALL the work for you....
  15. Do You Have Any Favorite OB Myths?

    I think they got that one backwards. Even is a boy and odd are a girl. MOthers age at the time of conception plus the month conception occurred...I hear this one alllll the time:)
  16. Do You Have Any Favorite OB Myths?

    OMG! Thats what my husbands grandmother used to say too:) "you'll turn their liver!" So now when we turn the kids upside down we "in a smirky voice" say "you'll turn their liver!" Then laugh:)
  17. My first thought....Ativan:) Second, why not get your CNA to get the accuck? and you just give the insulin. I say hang in there and it will get better, youre just now figuring out what youre supposed to be doing.
  18. I have had 12-13 pts before. But we had a med nurse and a CNA for my "hall". Not only surgical pts but I also get the pediatric pts. Thank God for the CNA making rounds b/c on days like this I usually only get to see my pts about 2 times the whole s...
  19. What's the weirdest baby name?

    I didnt hear it myself but according to one of the Lab girls she worked in another hospital and one of the medicaid mommas was delivering her second baby. She named that baby Vulva and her oldest daughter had been named Urethra. I was surprised that...
  20. Mistakes held against you

    IMO, if you messed up you need to report it asap. If you try to hide it and act as if it never happened then that makes it much worse.
  21. Practice Tracings

    yep, youre right. I have super placenta brains these days:) This is the only thing I know of that has any strips online. If i find one for FHM I will post it.
  22. Practice Tracings

    You can go to http://www.richACLS.com and practice there under learning. It will even tell you the rational.
  23. 2nd Interview with L&D yesterday...

    I start OB in a couple of weeks. I get my exact start next week. I wont get as much orientation since I have worked Med/Surg/peds for almost 3 years. Im sure glad I dont have to go through HR again.....full blown orientation is B O R I N G :)
  24. 2nd Interview with L&D yesterday...

    Congrats! How long are they going to give you for orientation?
  25. New to L/D

    Im getting ready to transfer to ob in a couple of weeks.. i have been on a med/surg/peds unit for almost 3 years. So I have lots of sticks under my belt. Its actually one of my favorite things to do. I dont like to stick the kids/babies but when they...