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All Content by MICUSarah

  1. Recycled topics (vent)

    "I got fired for **insert reason that would be a good "last straw" reason to get fired, but not worthy of being fired on first offense**. Please tell me what I did was right and my hospital was wrong! I swear I've never had any other disciplinary act...
  2. Not taking a break

    I work in a unit where the culture is that everyone takes their breaks unless patients are literally coding all day. We are 2:1, which sometimes helps, but when you have two critical patients, and so do each of your team mates it can be scary to leav...
  3. New Nurse feeling a bit overwhelmed

    Wow! That sounds like a rough situation! However, if everything you say is true, then it sounds like you're off to a great start. You sound like a very competent nurse who is a good patient advocate. Unfortunately, if you can handle it, it may be bes...
  4. Now THAT'S a lab result

    pH of 7.68 with Cl of 67. Put on a HCl gtt. Lived a week or two but never woke up purposefully again. (This was after 9 days of AGGRESSIVE lasix therapy and had diuresed 25KG (not lbs) in this this time. I wanted so badly to tell this family to sue t...
  5. Funny Things Patients Say

    I had a very delirious pt once who had a rectal tube in. I come in and he's playing with the tube (luckily he hadn't managed to remove it yet). I said "Bob! (Made up name. I don't even remember this guy's name) Don't touch that!! What are you doing?"...