Helen of the north

Helen of the north

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About Helen of the north

Occupational Health Nurse

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  1. Want to get into Occup. Health & NO luck!!

    Re Occ Health Nursing have you taken any specific course for Occ Health? you are currently working on studies and will not have time to take a full course in occ health and safety employers will be...
  2. Need advice from an Occupational health nurse

    check and see if you have is a state/provincial occupational health nurses association. You may find some links there. In US there is an American Occupational Health Nurses assn. I am from Ontario and...
  3. Toronto vs. Ottawa

    I am a .8 of a full time position in Occupational Health. I often work full time hours but it is a great job and, if they wanted me full time with benefits I would consider it. Originally I wanted the...
  4. Toronto vs. Ottawa

    I am now living north of Toronto on beautiful Georgian Bay. When I was in my 20's I worked as an RN at Sick Children's Hospital. It is located on University Avenue just south of the government...