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All Content by B0yMomX2

  1. High anxiety

    My anxiety is through the roof right now. I am set to start a BSN program after working on my prerequisites for the past two years. I have two children and a husband and we are a one income family. Normally we would use my left over financial aid to ...
  2. High anxiety

    My 9 year old is loves reading. He reads on a middle school level and reads everyday :) My 3 year old isn't too into sitting having me read to him yet or looking at books himself. The main purpose of canceling the $83 a month cable is we don't use it...
  3. Microbiology Study Advice

    Honestly it was nuts. I lived and breathed micro lol. It was rough on my family but it went by fast!
  4. High anxiety

    We are cutting off our cable too! The kids watch Netflix more than anything so it's a pointless expense at this point. We also want to shop around for cheaper a cheaper cell phone provider.
  5. High anxiety

    Thank you everyone for your responses. We already live a frugal life, so that is why this is so scary. I should probably add my husbands income is commission based. We are going to cut the cable off, get cheaper cell phones, and have a yard sale beca...
  6. Microbiology Study Advice

    I just recently took micro in a 3.5 week course. Yes you read that correctly. I had class mon-fri for 6 hours each day. The good thing about taking it in a shorter session is there isn't time to forget and procrastinate. The best thing you can do is ...
  7. nursing school.

    Hi there. I am starting there this fall also. I am a transfer from VWCC. I believe how it works is at the end of let's say this fall semester you must have a 3.0 to be guaranteed to move to your nursing classes. 2.5 to 3.0 will be put on a wait list....