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About noelly10

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  1. 2/27/2016

  2. Understaffed with a heavy patient load

    I wish our staffing was like this. Sometimes we have 6 nurses and 2 techs to 32 patients. Sometimes we only have 1 tech. Sometimes no tech at all and we have to *gasp* do total care for 5-6...
  3. Understaffed with a heavy patient load

    Realize that you're only one person. Do all that you can. If you can't get to something, don't let it eat you up. You will have days you don't get to something. All you can do is your
  4. Nurses please give an new ER-Tech some advice

    Don't get lazy. Our er techs are lazy and send up patients that are all in a mess just for us to clean up on top of getting them settled. Then they're all disgruntled because they had been sitting in...
  5. Kaplan vs Hurst review for NCLEX prep

    I did Kaplan and
  6. The Pearson vue trick is still a thing? Just wait 48 hours. It won't change the outcome to
  7. NCLEX review

    Not nervous about it? I feel like you should have some level of nervousness to light a fire under you. Also, choose two methods. I did Kaplan qbank and Hurst. Worked for
  8. Do you still have to do dosages math by hand as an RN now?

    Not all the time, but sometimes I
  9. Scrubs or Business Casual for Orientation?

    I don't understand how wearing your work attire would seem
  10. Scrubs or Business Casual for Orientation?

    I wore both. Depended on how I felt. But if they say you could do either or, why would wearing scrubs be frowned upon? That is your work attire, is it not? Also, why care what others are wearing? As...
  11. What is your dream unit?

    Real life is definitely absolutely nothing like TV whatsoever
  12. Catheters

    Well you are still a patient advocate. There are polite ways to say things and something should have been said. If she didn't want to listen to your advice, go up the chain of
  13. Catheters

    You could have said politely, "what if we tried leaving the catheter in the lady parts, that way we can tell the difference between the lady parts and the urethra because the lady parts will already...
  14. Ivy Tech Spring 2015 hopefuls!

    How did I miss this?? Sorry, OP for the derailment. You'll soon learn that it happens often round these
  15. Ivy Tech Spring 2015 hopefuls!

    Uhm. Please tell me why I haven't seen you for a couple