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All Content by lasvegasnurs

  1. FGCU CRNA 2018

    Just as an FYI, I interviewed there a couple years ago. Was one of the more laid back interviews I had. Was no clinical questions. Pretty much a get to know you and why you want to do be a CRNA interview. Ended up going somewhere else but if you aren...
  2. First Bachelor Gpa or 2nd Bachelor Gpa?

    I had a similar situation deciding if CRNA would even be an option for me. I had a 3.6 Biology degree. Went to 1 year med school and was having health problems that made it difficult during first year. Finished 1st year with 2.6 in med school. I the...
  3. CRNA applicant

    program director was looking for very specific things.... dont remember exactly but I didnt 100% meet requirements they wanted.... and they were already 1 of too many schools that I applied to so I just withdrew application vs spending expenses for i...
  4. CRNA school question

    Little biased in that I had a degree in Biology and minor in Chemistry before I went into nursing.... but the chemistry understanding required is less than my first chemistry college class. I still think the chemistry is important.... but as for boa...
  5. CRNA applicant

    The program director when I applied a couple years ago at ECU was very open to discussing application and specifics that they were looking for including recommendations to making a application stronger.
  6. Private loans?

    yes... but not as a school loan because no one will give you more than what the school says is the cost of attendance which gov't loans should meet that amount. you can take out a consumer loan but that would be under terms like a car loan... like 20...
  7. High School GPA?

    Not aware of any school that wants high school transcripts. High school grades do not matter after starting college. I think I had under 2.0 in HS but started college knowing that things now mattered and that college grades never go away.
  8. Every school looks looks for many of the same things but then there are also many differences in what they look at. Taking anatomy again may help on say a school that looks at Science GPA AND only takes the top grades it could help but most graduate ...
  9. How Competitive are CRNA schools actually...

    Dont let us news and report or whatever you saw for rankings fool you. There is little those rankings are based on. Look for a program that fits YOU best when you are ready to apply. The application process can also be very expensive especially if yo...
  10. Lots of good answers already but I doubt the job description specifically says you must be able to perform chest compressions. You can still lift 40lbs I imagine like many nursing jobs will say but certain limitations is expected. I used to work as a...
  11. A couple of questions!

    PICU, NICU, ER, PACU all acceptable at a couple schools but its looked the experience may still be criticized by even the schools that take it. Traditional adult ICU (really any type) is the only safe bet. Also board pass rates are lower for those wi...
  12. How Competitive are CRNA schools actually...

    Good enough GPA, now don't worry about it. Go get a job and and look to progress to an ICU since few are lucky enough to start in the ICU. It's great to have goals but sometimes things change. I graduated from nursing school several years ago plannin...
  13. Which hospital is better for admission?

    larger facility, level 1 will all lead to sicker patients and better experiences for admission to school. Work environment will be tougher but just get through it.
  14. Neuro ICU vs. Transplant ICU for CRNA School

    Neuro is a pretty pigeonholed specialty with very minimal conditions and comorbidites. Sure you get to see lots of cool stuff, but overall exposure to other aspects of medicine are limited compared to many other ICU's.... but for application purposes...
  15. Need Finance Advice

    ER scribe in ideal world but can be hard to get. At my previous hospital almost every scribe was on way to nursing, respiratory, or MD. Great experience and you learn a ton.
  16. Crisis Pay

    Our hospital is $5, $7.50, $10 or $15/hr depending on how bad help is needed and sometimes different shifts and days are higher rates. Other times it felt like the rate offered was random.
  17. Need Finance Advice

    If you aren't making much money now and a public school isnt accelerated and would keep you in school longer it "could" be better financially, but avoiding loans when there are cheaper options that get you to the exact same place is preferred.
  18. I quit the PA rat race.

    Totally agree. There are tons of nurses that only go into nursing ONLY because they want to be an NP, big mistake. I try to tell all of them it would be a mistake if you cant see yourself as a staff nurse and never doing an NP. Typically people that ...
  19. I quit the PA rat race.

    I think you are on the right track. I dropped out of med school and was considering my options a few years ago. After taking a couple years to work I looked at my options of return to med school, PA, or NP. Ultimately my biology degree wasnt worth mu...
  20. crna BSN GPA vs cumulative GPA

    There is no definitive answer about the GPA. Schools all calculate it differently or ignore parts of it. Some may look at everything combined. Others breakdown science classes. Unfortunately many of the other nurses only took the biology required for...
  21. Paying for CRNA school

    I guess some of it is how comfortable you are with debt. Does waiting an extra year to save 50k of additional debt at 6% interest worth postponing a 80k-150k a year raise? For some it does, for some they can't stand the idea of the debt. Work as hard...
  22. Paying for CRNA school

    In CRNA school now and have three kids and wife can work and make pretty decent money working full time as a dental hygienist, however we have her only picking up shifts a couple days a month. It's become more advantageous to just focus on school, ta...
  23. Making 100k salary/ income as a nurse?

    In it for the money? Quit nursing and do law school. Otherwise work in an area they like and enjoy going to work and it will be a good salary to live on anywhere. More schooling (graduate) opens higher paying opportunities if they want to specialize ...
  24. Mount Marty 2016

    Guess there isn't many others that look here?
  25. Mount Marty 2016

    Anyone else starting at Mount Marty August 2016? Looking to get to know any other students especially those that are familiar with the area!