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All Content by Molly26

  1. I got into the school of my dreams and due to credit issues from years back, it is still haunting me applying for private school loans. I have applied for Federal Student Aid, but I dont think I will get much and unfortunately the program I got into ...
  2. Regis University Accelerated BSN - JAN 2016

    I would try, I was told they take in consideration the science GPA and work exprience quite a bit when they make a decision. I would apply regardless. I just got into a school where my counselor told me i had almost zero chance because of my TEAS sco...
  3. Regis University Accelerated BSN - JAN 2016

    Hi All, Anyone out there who might be able to give me any feedback. I just got a denied from Boulders ABSN program, so I am really nervous that I also wont get in to Regis (Jan 2016). My cumulative is a 3.06 and my pre-req GPA/Science GPA is 3.75. I...
  4. Regis University Accelerated BSN - JAN 2016

    May I ask what your GPA was both cumulative and pre-req GPA? My cumulative is a 3.06 and my pre-req is 3.75. I'm really nervous:(Thanks a million and best of luck in your program. Lauren
  5. MSMU ABSN Fall 2016

    Hi All, I am interested in applying for the next cohort. I was wondering what your GPA's were like. I have an accumalative GPA of 3.06 and a Science GPA of 3.75. I am right on the cusp. I was wondering what other accepted students GPA's were like. T...
  6. Hi, what school is this. I am having the same issue with a low Teas score. Thanks
  7. Samuel Merritt ABSN Sacramento

    Hi All, I Just wanted to find out if you got into Samuel Merriett and what your grades/STATS were like? I will be applying in 2016 and want to see if I have any chance. Lauren:)
  8. Samuel Merritt ABSN Sacramento

    Hi, I Just wanted to find out if you got into Samuel Merriett and what your grades were like? TIA Lauren:)