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All Content by beekee

  1. Difficulty with scheduling

    No way of knowing without looking at your contract. Consult an attorney.
  2. Recognition

    It’s important to remember the good stuff. There’s little recognition to be had in nursing, but plenty of self-doubt, insufficient resources, improvement plans and un-updated whiteboards. Welcome back Davey!
  3. Where do patients go?

    And yesterday, in acute care, the nurse had 4 patients. Today, in subacute, the nurse has 15. Seems safe, doesn’t it?
  4. LPN, Phlebotomy, EKG tech???

    Check what the salaries are for phlebotomists and EKG techs. It’s probably not much different than what you are making now, but easier on your body. You can do the LPN program if work is flexible on what days you work. Will it be hard? Yup. But ...
  5. Please Help

    Nursing is hard. The first year is brutal. Obviously, your daughter’s current job isn’t a good fit, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for her. Something slower and less acuity would probably be better. Encourage her to parse our what aspects ...
  6. Feel like an incompetent nurse

    Don’t sweat the small stuff. Sounds like you are doing fine (and a lot of those questions fall in the “nice to know,” not “need to know” category). I’m sure you noticed stuff they didn’t. It’s a team effort.
  7. Switching from hospital to LTC or other area?

    I’d do just about anything before LTC. As a society, we have decided it’s OK to warehouse the elderly. Staff barely has time to attend to their basic human needs. It’s shameful.
  8. CMC Exam

    Pass CCRN (cardiac questions only) has been mentioned. I used a Pocket Prep app for the PCCN that I thought was helpful. There’s one for the CCRN (focus on the cardiac questions).
  9. Am I good enough?

    How long did you stay at each job? Three jobs of short duration in two years tends to make one pretty unattractive as an applicant. From the hiring perspective, it’s a huge red flag. “Good” jobs are going to be tough to find, but whatever you do, st...
  10. Less than 1% of borrowers who have applied for PSLF have had their loans discharged as of June 2019. I wouldn’t count on this as a viable option. It’ll hopefully get better, but don’t bank on it.
  11. Should I Do Entry Level MSN?

    Less than 5 years ago.
  12. Should I Do Entry Level MSN?

    It’s definitely market dependent. In my area, the sole ELMSN is not a respected program, so it’s graduates have difficulty obtaining a position. It is not always cheaper. My community college ADN plus BSN/MSN from WGU were less than $15,000 total. ...
  13. CEU website

    Medscape has tons of free CEUs. There are plenty of other places that have free CEUs too.
  14. Call from Risk Management to speak with Attorney

    Nope. No way. Call your malpractice carrier for advice.
  15. Between a Rock and a Hard Place

    Intermittent FMLA.
  16. Starting ADN Program, Will I Get Hired?

    I think the program has changed some, but WGU has a RN-to-BSN program. I got a job in LTC (a job is a requirement for the program) and finished my BSN in less than six months. I started applying for jobs in a hospital the day I finished my program. ...
  17. Blood Bank Nurse as a New Grad?

    No. It will not help. There will be no wiggling. Well, I suppose there’s a remote possibility but extremely unlikely.
  18. Blood Bank Nurse as a New Grad?

    Working in a blood bank will seriously hamper your future job options. If you want to work in a hospital, get a new grad residency in a hospital.
  19. Not eligible for rehire

    “not eligible for rehire” means you will not be rehired, in any position. Sometimes, it means just that hospital; other times, it means any affiliated entity. Sometimes, it is forever; other times, it’s for a period of time (years). No way of knowin...
  20. Well, you have absolutely nothing to lose by mentioning your struggles. If you mention your difficulties AND A PLAN TO REMEDIATE, you may have a shot at repeating the course you failed. It’s time to see your PCP to discuss your depression and to dev...
  21. Struggling with Pre Requisites, time to throw in the towel?

    I would highly recommend you search this site for posts on Achieve Test Prep. That being said, you got through LVN school, so I know you can do this. That being said, what changed?
  22. Nursing Student balance Preventing NCLEX-RN attempt

    Typically, a sign-on bonus is paid through or with your first check, after you have your license and work for 2 weeks. Also, taxes are paid on it, so you do not get the whole amount of the bonus. You are going to have to find a way to pay your debt...
  23. Current Needs in the Nursing Department?

    Do you work in health care now? You could write about what deficiencies you see in your workplace. Basically, BS something like “as a CNA, I see the fear and confusion patients when they are ill. I want to be a nurse that sees and treats patients as...
  24. Nursing Student balance Preventing NCLEX-RN attempt

    I’ve never heard of anything like that, but perhaps you can get a job with a hiring bonus that’s contingent on you passing the NCLEX. I highly doubt anyone would give you money prior to passing the NCLEX, however. Be warned that many places offering...
  25. So the obvious question is why staffing short so often? Hiring? Retention? Budget? Acuity? Inadequate training/skill set? Maybe focus on the root of the issue.