

Home Health, Hospice

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About honeyb111

honeyb111 specializes in Home Health, Hospice.

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  1. How did you hear about allnurses.com?

    I was searching for information on nursing shoes when I found this wonderful site!!!!
  2. DH dying-need prayers

    :icon_hug: Joey and JoEllen :icon_hug: My prayers are still with you. I'm sorry you had to deal with 1 horrible person thru all this but you have the right attitude about just letting it go. It...
  3. DH dying-need prayers

    ((((((((Joey and dd)))))))) I am so sorry. Dan's passing sounds so peaceful. I'm so glad you were able to be there and that you didn't have to make any decisions. I hope you can feel the presence...
  4. DH dying-need prayers

    :icon_hug: :icon_hug: and more :icon_hug: Joey. My thoughts and prayers are with you. You're not in this completely alone - we're all here for you. Stay strong and don't let anyone talk you into...
  5. DH dying-need prayers

    Just wanted to let you know that my prayers are still with you, dh, and dd. I pray things continue to improve. Thanks for keeping us posted.
  6. DH dying-need prayers

    NurseJoey05 - my prayers are with you and your family
  7. DH dying-need prayers

    My prayers are with all of you tonight - I just read all 10 pages and my heart is breaking for you. "With God all things are possible" :kiss
  8. New at home health and lovin it....so far!

    I'm so glad things are working out for you. I know its a huge relief for you not have all the stress anymore. :icon_hug: BTW, how's that new grandson of your's
  9. No patience yesterday, now I feel like crap

    :icon_hug: Raindrop :icon_hug: You had a bad day, you were rushed, it was only your 3rd day etc.... You have to remember we're only human and can only do so much in 12 hours. You said this is a...
  10. DH dying-need prayers

    My prayers are with you, your husband and your daughter
  11. Meds you hate to give....

    My pharm teacher actually taught us "ampho-terrible" :chuckle I'm still a student but Go-lytely really needs another name The one that scares me the most???? Digoxin - had a clinical patient...
  12. Your nursing school's grading policy

    92-100 A 83-91 B 75-82 C Below 75 failing Clinicals and skills lab pass/fail ADN program - All my pre-req classes were on a 90,80,70,60 scale...easier to get a 4.0 but my nursing class is a little...
  13. :icon_hug: Prayers have been said (I'm waiting on 2 test scores right now - they have to be posted by Friday
  14. What is the complaint with nursing salaries?

    I've been wondering the same thing actually. Here in East TN the basic starting pay for a new RN is $35,000 a year, that's without any differentials. Heck, my dh only makes $40,000 a year in the...
  15. Has anyone taken Micro and Physio together?

    I did it - took A/P II, micro, speech and a philosophy course in one semester. Managed to make As in all of em but thought it was my hardest semester........until I started my 1st semester of nursing...