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About clarria24

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  1. can anyone explain what that Hospitalist unit is.. theres the MedSurg Hospitalist Observation unit that I have no clue
  2. Parkland Residency Summer 2020

    Anyone heard
  3. Parkland Residency Summer 2020

    Anyone have any idea about shift hours as a nurse resident? I know some hospitals do 2 12 hour shifts and 2 8 hour shifts but just
  4. Parkland Residency Summer 2020

    Any info on when the July 2020 applications
  5. Parkland Residency Summer 2020

    Man there's so many units and idk whether to apply to all ooorrrr risk it and apply to the ones I really want. Plus there's those May 2020 vs July 2020 applications
  6. Lack of Pharmacology Info

    Pharmacology was a prereq but since they also allowed students to take it at certain community colleges, im wondering now if they are more lenient about the course content and how much they could...
  7. Lack of Pharmacology Info

    Looking for a syllabus is a really good idea actually, thank you cause i did not think about that. However, i did recently buy the book to try to "catch up" but the computer component was not there so...
  8. Lack of Pharmacology Info

    I did order the book about a week ago so I am planning on reading as much as I can, but just the thought of having to read so much and somehow absorb all that information in about a month freaks me...
  9. Lack of Pharmacology Info

    I understand how gravely important pharmacology is in nursing school, which I am entering next fall. However, because of not having enough room in my schedule or the money to take it at my university,...