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All Content by Birthday_Girl

  1. switch from medical school to nursing?

    Run now and run fast. Because the reality is, if you two have a child together, it will not cure the problems that exist in your marriage. In fact, it will cause all of those problems to rise to the surface, but now you have a small, vulnerable child...
  2. Another reason unions suck!

    I am not a nurse. I am planning to enter a nursing program in 2016. Having said that, I am a lawyer and sociologist by education and training who currently works in state government. A decade ago, I represented domestic violence victims in employment...
  3. Any Wise Way to Spend Education Assistance Money (not CME money)?

    Do Lean or process improvement classes count?
  4. What is the Direct Entry MSN?

    I think there is a distinction to be made here. There are Direct Entry MSN programs which prepare graduates to become Registered Nurses upon graduation. That's it. Then there are accelerated BSN/MSN programs. In the BSN year, you are prepared to beco...
  5. Hostile work environment - Violent Doctor

    Please, please consider doing the following. 1. Document, Document, and Document some more. I am sure as nurses, you are used to documenting medication, glucose levels, etc. Please document each and every occurrence of workplace violence. *Look at th...
  6. Swedish Hospital

  7. Any Military psych NP? Needs some overview regarding military life

    I was under the impression that the Navy was only allowing NPs into the Reserves? Is that still true?
  8. Yale GEPN 2016

    Good luck everyone! Tomorrow will be the end of our wait!
  9. Yale GEPN 2016

    I applied for PMHNP.
  10. New grad first job

    This is the second new grad post where they reported there were no or very few sick days. Is this common in healthcare? I currently work in a state department and we earn 12 sick days a year plus a minimum of 14 vacation days and two personal days.
  11. Direct Entry MSN Program Opinion

    I am aware of Yale and Seattle University. Penn has an accelerated BSN/MSN option. I found them by using Google.
  12. Direct Entry MSN Program Opinion

    I've come across a few programs that have direct entry MSN programs. Many do not offer a BSN program.
  13. Yale GEPN 2016

    I did a double take reading your post. We are so alike (with the exception of me attending a Big 10 school for undergrad and law school). Good luck to you!
  14. Can Psych NPs wear suits to work?

    I was reading PMHNP-1 responses. They read like they were responding to another poster, but I think they may have been responding to the OP instead. My mistake.
  15. Can Psych NPs wear suits to work?

    I'm reading through this thread and it seems that either someone has me on ignore or a couple of posts have been deleted?
  16. Yale GEPN 2016

    It's a long shot for me. I didn't get my application submitted in early October, and I am asking for a waiver since I have a master's degree and wrote a dissertation. I'm delayed in applying since my institution, which is abroad, took so long to resp...
  17. PNP but don't want to be...

    I'm reading her to mean that she worked for eight years, had a family, stayed home for eight years, and now wants to re-enter the workforce.
  18. Let me first say that I'm not a nurse or a nursing student. I'm still in the application process of a MSN program. Saying that, I absolutely LOATHE For Profit schools. Their goal is not to churn out a bunch of qualified students; it is to make a prof...
  19. PMHNPs in military - what was your experience like?

    I learned that the Yale Graduate Entry program may be switching to a two year program. Something to look into.
  20. PMHNPs in military - what was your experience like?

    I've seen some programs at 2.5 years (Penn) but I think it's the amount of clinical hours that push it to 3 years. Thus, I think most programs will be between 2.5 to 3 years. Just to confirm, the Navy has the HPSP scholarship? I am really happy if t...
  21. MSN for PMHNP and Post-Masters for FNP?

    I recently attend the informational session for the APNI. I spoke with the assistant dean about which program I should pursue. I have a law degree and a master's in sociology. I currently work in the child welfare field, and I am hoping to be a PMHNP...
  22. MSN for PMHNP and Post-Masters for FNP?

    Thank you for the very thorough response! In my field, I work with many licensed social workers and, for some reason, their job satisfaction does not seem very high. It may just be this particular field, and it may be very different for someone who ...
  23. MSN for PMHNP and Post-Masters for FNP?

    I should have included that before working for myself, I also hoped to join the military and serve three-four years working with sexual assault survivors. I think I could leverage both my JD and MSN into a victim advocate/SANE type role. I know from ...
  24. PMHNPs in military - what was your experience like?

    We are on the same path! I am also applying to direct entry MSN and am considering the HPSP scholarship. What school, if you don't mind my asking? The information below doesn't address the questions you asked (sorry) but it may be helpful! I've talke...
  25. Seattle University APNI 2015

    Well, if it makes anyone feel better, I made the decision to apply for 2016 at the last minute, so I don't have any pre-reqs done. I am going to take Nutrition and Math 098 (pre-req for Math 147) at Pierce College JBLM during the Online Session I plu...