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About sunmoonstars3

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  1. @Gen88: I have heard that if you are registered with an agency, they or the employer will pay the OSCE fee. I also am curious if you ever heard back from the NMC regarding your initial failure of the CBT, and if so, what they said. I don't have eno...
  2. NMC CBT for Midwives

    Has anyone taken it? I did and found it horrendous. I didn't think that the questions were reflective at all of the Code, the Standards/Rules, or the Blueprint. I wouldn't even know how to go about studying for a re-take. My experience felt more l...
  3. NMC Test Online

    Westmack, how did you get a job with UCLH before you'd taken your OSCE? I am taking my CBT soon and hoping to pass and start working ASAP. I'm also in London already! Thanks!
  4. What are the approximate timelines from taking and passing the CBT to getting the PIN? It seems like it was taking longer for people who started under the old system or took the CBT when they first rolled it out and had to re-take it.
  5. NMC Test Online

    Thanks WESTMACK!
  6. NMC Test Online

    How soon after taking the CBT did you get your results?
  7. Is anyone here studying for the midwifery CBT? If so, I would love to chat!
  8. NMC Midwife Registration

    Hi LJMidwife! I hope that the test went well for you. Since I last posted, the NMC posted more information on their website regarding the requirements for the test. It still looks like a ton of information from a variety of sources, but I don't kn...
  9. NMC Midwife Registration

    Hi all, I am seeking information on the new computer-based test for overseas applicants. I am a certified nurse-midwife in the US and hoping to qualify in the UK, as my husband's job is moving us to London. On paper, it looks like I'll meet all of ...
  10. Locum Tenens NP/CNM

    Hi Ned, thanks for your reply. Can you explain what you mean by the agency rate and bill rate? I understand requesting extra for the health insurance and Medicare tax, but not the rest of your reply. Thanks again!
  11. Locum Tenens NP/CNM

    Has anyone had experience working as an independent contractor/locum tenens CNM? I'm thinking of taking this type of job, but not sure what to look out for. Would love to hear anyone's experience! Are there drawbacks to being an independent contracto...
  12. Locums CNM work?

    Has anyone had experience working as an independent contractor/locum tenens CNM? I'm thinking of taking this type of job, but not sure what to look out for. Would love to hear anyone's experience! Are there drawbacks to being an independent contra...