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All Content by luthernd50

  1. What should I do?

    So I am currently a CNA in home health care, while going through nursing school and working in a restaurant. Well my first semester started and already it's pretty crazy. So I decided to leave my home health job since I will make more money serving t...
  2. What Is Your Most Gross, Yucky, Disgusting Nursing Horror Story?

    Can't stop reading This thread
  3. What Is Your Most Gross, Yucky, Disgusting Nursing Horror Story?

    These are all crazy! Lol!!
  4. FSW Fall 2015

    Does anyone have the link to self enroll in the PT lee program orientation? I emailed Barbara ward but want to get it done asap and don't want to wait for her reply
  5. FSW Fall 2015

    So, I just did it but it says charlotte campus uh what the hell? haha
  6. FSW Fall 2015

    No I never enrolled in the colloquim I guess I must of forgot whoops lol
  7. FSW Fall 2015

    I didn't get anything? Where did you find the information for orientation? I checked my email and nothing.
  8. FSW Fall 2015

    I wasn't able to take the CPR class until the 8th. Hopefully it will be fine being a day late :/
  9. FSW Fall 2015

    Pardon my language but I'm sorry, I am so ******* confused as to these health tests we have to do. I called the health department and they said they don't provide those services (Titers, vaccines) I go to employee health and they're very vague and sa...
  10. FSW Fall 2015

    I too just received a stethoscope from my mom as a gift lol!!
  11. FSW Fall 2015

    So you guys are saying we don't need the Titers if we have taken the immunizations before? I received my immunization records from the school district and think i pretty much have everything.
  12. FSW Fall 2015

    Ok cool I'll just get it done at my dr. Then, do you know how much it is where your going for all the Titers? The reason I'm so anal about it is cause I'm not making very much money since it's off season right now, so trying to pick up shifts to affo...
  13. FSW Fall 2015

    Hey I'm probably a lil late on this topic but where did you guys get the Titers done at? What's the cheapest place? We can't get it done at our primary care physician? You guys post so much I don't really feel like searching for it lol!! Sorry about ...
  14. FSW Fall 2015

    Also I'm pretty sure that stats is a pre-req for the nursing program. If not its definetly needed for your bachelors from my understanding.
  15. FSW Fall 2015

    I'm applying for graduation in summer B with my AA because I no longer meet satisfactory progress, if I dont I can't get financial aid and I can't take any classes so I'm hoping it all works out.
  16. FSW Fall 2015

    I'm so pissed!! I checked my email and they gave me the nursing handbook, apparently there are forms in there that are due today. But I have been working 7 days straight (today being the 7th day) and finally have a day off tomorrow. Maybe if the damn...
  17. FSW Fall 2015

    Woops didn't mean to type that twice my phones acting up
  18. FSW Fall 2015

    I'm at work right now so I can't really check myself, but do you know if the books are cheap to buy? Used maybe? I'm thinking that I would want to keep all the nursing textbooks in case I have to refer back to something later.
  19. FSW Fall 2015

    I'm at work right now so I can't really check myself, but do you know if the books are cheap to buy? Used maybe? I'm thinking that I would want to keep all the nursing textbooks in case I have to refer back to something later.
  20. FSW Fall 2015

    White scrubs? Are they serious? Don't they know it most likely will probably get super dirty.
  21. FSW Fall 2015

    One thing I have noticed is that FSW is extremely!! Disorganized I have gotten into shouting battles with the admissions and financial aid offices due to their incompetence. I ended up being right in both occasions.
  22. FSW Fall 2015

    I'm sure you will also need liability insurance as well. Even as a student
  23. FSW Fall 2015

    Me too!! Yay
  24. FSW Fall 2015

    Yea I took mine at about noon and had the results the next day (even though they say it takes 3-5 days or whatever)
  25. FSW Fall 2015

    If your tests are negative then there's nothing to worry about