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All Content by luthernd50

  1. FSW Fall 2015

    Yay!! I was negative on both so I'm good :) also the AA thing Doesent sound like its bad, but I guess if you want to do nursing you won't get financial aid because of the prereqs and SAP requirements.
  2. FSW Fall 2015

    Wait what? What are you guys talking about
  3. FSW Fall 2015

    Well yea but I was just wondering if I have to do it again through the schools provider or if I can just submit the documentation. I guess when it comes time to do it I'll find out more. Getting a little ahead of myself lol
  4. FSW Fall 2015

    What if you ready have all that stuff done? I'm doing my PPD test now I had my physical yesterday and I received my CPR 2 weeks ago. I needed to do all of it for my new job as a CNA
  5. FSW Fall 2015

    Oh ok cool! My mom had me freaking out for no reason lol! I mean a glass of red wine a night isn't bad I don't think.
  6. FSW Fall 2015

    Hey quick question for you all. Do you think they test for alcohol in the drug test? Just wondering because I like having a glass of wine every night to help me sleep lol!! My mother said that they do.
  7. FSW Fall 2015

    Where is this form? I feel stupid lol! Do they email it to you?
  8. FSW Fall 2015

    I'm getting my fingerprints done today! How do you set up your drug test though?
  9. FSW Fall 2015

    Hey! No not at all, it's cool. I understand.
  10. FSW Fall 2015

    Yea I'm on facebook Luther Thomas
  11. FSW Fall 2015

    Omg!! I got in too!! First choice lee part time!!
  12. FSW Fall 2015

    Hopefully we will both get accepted and we can nerd out together in class!! Haha
  13. FSW Fall 2015

    That's awesome!! I'm so eager to learn new things about it. You should Download the BBC news app and look at the health section, they are always coming up with new studies on things that are really exciting. You might like it.
  14. FSW Fall 2015

    I always thought surgery was pretty cool, I was debating maybe being a scrub nurse. I even went so far as to think maybe I should go to med school, but I figured that I'm to old for that and wouldn't be able to have a life due to having to be near my...
  15. FSW Fall 2015

    I grew up in fort Myers. I've lived here my whole life, even in the same house, never moved. I struggled for a long time deciding what to do with my life. There wasn't a single career path that I was interested in. I finally realized that I was reall...
  16. FSW Fall 2015

    Oh wait just kidding I get it
  17. FSW Fall 2015

    I'm not quite following the admission process that was stated.
  18. FSW Fall 2015

    Uhg that sucks!
  19. FSW Fall 2015

    Awesome thanks!! Lee pt, lee ft and collier
  20. FSW Fall 2015

    Well thanks for doing that! Hmm I hope 84 is good enough :/ in really freaking out about it if there's like 300 people, that seems crazy! My first choice was lee part time 2nd was lee full time and 3rd was collier county however I really don't want t...
  21. FSW Fall 2015

    Hello all this is my first official post on allnurses but i applied to fgcu 3 times and was denied so in trying fsw program for the fall of 2015. I had a question, the gpa calculation is it only based on preq gpa? Or your overall? I got a 89.7 on the...