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  1. Student nurse interview next week....any tips?

    They told you to wear scrubs to a interview? That just doesn't seem to be logical in any shape or form lol. You should dress businesses casual and bring along scrubs in case that is actually factual...
  2. Texas biology grad looking into Nursing!

    I know a girl who got her BSN, disliked it and went back to school for neurobiology.... So weird. You're like her exact opposite twin lol. Anywho... Back to your more than likely have...
  3. Which science classes to take together?

    I took a&p, micro and chem all together. Was pretty fun actually. For us,we couldn't even take patho until a&p and micro were completed as they are pre-reqs not co-reqs for patho. So we had...
  4. Has anyone tried HesiPrep?

    Senior year in high school? Or senior year in college? Which Hesi are you inquiring about? Exit or Entrance? If it's high school, that's a bit early to be studying for the Hesi entrance exam for...
  5. How to deal with stereotypes and vicious people

    Well said, explains precisely why he asked you about going into nursing. He's living the life of Fred Flintstone. I'm actually curious to know if he even knows what a computer is, you should ask him...
  6. Trying to decide what school to attend!

    DON'T limit yourself to applying just to one program, you're going to wish you had more options and had applied to more programs at the same time to increase your odds of getting into a program. It's...
  7. Goals after Graduation

    My graduation goal when I finish the program was to go on a cruise with my gf, and the day after graduation, me and my gf did in fact go on a cruise and it was amazing!. Now, as far as motivation...
  8. English Comp II nursing paper topics

    Write about Nurse Bullying. You can find thousands of peer-reviewed nursing articles about it, then if you do it. you can use that paper and research for your capstone project at the very end of the...
  9. UPS Drivers make HOW much????

    LMAO, well I sure hope you NEVER hear how much Big Rig truck drivers make.... but just for fun ill spoil it for you. Big rig truck drivers make $100+K annually, even local truck drivers such as haz...
  10. ANAT/PHY Class - Mosby's vs Kaplan Flash Cards?

    Look at both of your courses syllabus, look at what book is required, then look at the publisher, if its mosby, get mosby flash cards for that book, if its Kaplan, get Kaplan cards that are for that...
  11. skills lab

    In real world? I see nurses and even physicians break sterile field all the time at the bedside, but when it comes to OR, oh you will LIVE, BREATHE, EAT, SLEEP AND DEFICATE STERILE FIELD lol. OR...
  12. Struggling with my first semester.. need reassurance

    Do not give up, we all went through the same thing. Myself also had tests over x amount of chapters that covered hundreds of pages. However, that's where listening and following along during lecture...
  13. I need some advice on A&P!

    Why are all the so cal girls on this forum so cute compared to the girls in my area. I think I need to
  14. NOt liking where this is headed

    I got B+ in A&P 1&2 and I still got into a BSN nursing program. Don't beat yourself up over your grades. However do your best to keep your grades up. I made up for those Bs with A+s in Patho...
  15. Cna-advanced becoming Rn

    Med techs can pass meds in LTC facilities in my state but not CNAs. Med techs can't handle schedule II-III meds too. So OP I'm curious