

Med-Surg, Emergency

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About Newbie_RN17

Newbie_RN17 has 2 years experience and specializes in Med-Surg, Emergency.

Latest Activity

  1. Low GPA? Very discouraged

    My school didn't use TEAS, they used HESI.
  2. Low GPA? Very discouraged

    I had a 2.75 from when I was younger and stupid and got into a good ADN program. They did a points system and my prior degree and high entry test score helped
  3. Advice from current nurses or students?

    I'm wondering if it comes from the dozens of people who come in to complain that they were told "you're so smart, why don't you become a
  4. When should I take my NCLEX?

    I'd personally take it ASAP. You can always do continuing ed online from wherever, but be careful that when you come back you will likely be no longer considered a "new grad" and have a hard time...
  5. Pushing metoprolol IV w/o tele..?

    I've always done it without tele and just monitored HR and BP before and
  6. Pt fall- need advice

    You need to be honest. Integrity is everything, imo, and the secretary said it didn't go off. They *should* remediate vs punitive measures, especially since no harm came to the patient. We all make...
  7. Stupid questions but need answers

    You should be fine. The DON doesn't need to know because it's not her job to know. There should be a medical records officer with the facility who would contact you after a positive result to confirm...
  8. Do nurses have to work from home?

    I work while I'm on the clock and that's it. I'll occasionally check my email but I never do any work from
  9. ER nursing or med surg?!

    I had a year in med surg before transitioning to the ED and I still felt like I knew nothing. I had a 12 week orientation and still ask a lot of questions. If you liked the ED and the environment is...
  10. I feel like a failure

    Infiltration happens for any number of reasons. Some are preventable, some aren't. You assessed the area, determined it wasn't infiltrated at the time, and went on. In all likelihood, I would have...
  11. ER rushing patients to the floor

    ER nurses transport any patient requiring telemetry where I work. Just because it doesn't happen for you doesn't mean it doesn't
  12. Nursing or Vet Tech LVT/BSN

    Even those who are "ahead" because of CNA experience tend to even out after fundamentals. The main benefit I've seen CNAs I work with have from working in the hospital during school is the...
  13. Nursing or Vet Tech LVT/BSN

    How is the nursing job market in your area? If it's oversaturated like many metropolitan areas are, I'd personally go into the human hospital to get the connections that may help with getting a...
  14. Changing states

    Utah Division of Occupational & Professional Licensing Utah BON. They'll have all the info you
  15. Disclosing mental health information to employr

    Nope. None of their business. I made the mistake of revealing my mental illness to an employer in the past and ended up being pushed out of my job because of it. As long as you can perform the...