has 2 years experience and specializes in Hospice.
Nursing was a second career for me. I moved to Pennsylvania and became a CNA for about 18 months, then I became an LPN and I have newly graduated with my RN. I work for a large hospice in Western Pennsylvania ad I have been with them since I have been a CNA.
Do you have a NANDA book? That was my go to in nursing school. Keep it simple, they are just trying to teach you the process. I have honestly never used sleep
As a hospice nurse I have given Dilaudid 1mg every 10 minutes at times. I know that this is not a comparison, and yes we use the concept that pain is indeed what the patient says it is. If a patient...
I started out as a CNA with a hospice agency, I worked as an LPN with the same hospice agency and now I am an RN with them as well. I have never done anything outside of hospice care. I am okay with...
I work inpatient hospice GIP. It is all I have ever done as a CNA, LPN and now RN. We are a 12 bed unit with 2 RNs, 1 LPN and 1 CNA. In my opinion the biggest skill needed will be physical...
The company I work for has an IPU. I work there and in the field. We are a small unit, 12 beds. We are not a hospice house but a short term symptom management unit. Very few hospices in my area...
I attended the Hurst Review in August. I paid $350. I attended with 3 of my classmates. I passed NCLEX the first time in 75 questions. I was the only one of us that passed the first time. Hurst had...
I have been asked about the PVT and I simply state that it is unreliable. My results were on the SBON within 28 hours. I have a nurse friend that took her NCLEX about 20 years ago. She had to wait 6...
I did a clinical rotation for my LPN - RN program. It was awful. Understaffed and mean employees that went out of their way to NOT be helpful. It was so bad that at one point my clinical instructor...
I passes my NCLEX in 75 questions on the first time. I mainly had prioritization questions, what would you do first? Who would you see first? I feel that the only way I was able to do this was my...