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About PghRN15

PghRN15 has 2 years experience and specializes in Hospice.

Nursing was a second career for me. I moved to Pennsylvania and became a CNA for about 18 months, then I became an LPN and I have newly graduated with my RN. I work for a large hospice in Western Pennsylvania ad I have been with them since I have been a CNA.

Latest Activity

  1. Nursing diagnosis

    Do you have a NANDA book? That was my go to in nursing school. Keep it simple, they are just trying to teach you the process. I have honestly never used sleep
  2. Drug seekers

    As a hospice nurse I have given Dilaudid 1mg every 10 minutes at times. I know that this is not a comparison, and yes we use the concept that pain is indeed what the patient says it is. If a patient...
  3. Wgu bsn start date 11/1/15

    I am. I have 40 units to
  4. Wgu bsn start date 11/1/15

    Hi I am starting 11/1/15. I also have 40 cu to
  5. I started out as a CNA with a hospice agency, I worked as an LPN with the same hospice agency and now I am an RN with them as well. I have never done anything outside of hospice care. I am okay with...
  6. A Letter to The View

  7. Nurses don't know the lab

    It sounds like a major inferiority
  8. New job. Help!

    I work inpatient hospice GIP. It is all I have ever done as a CNA, LPN and now RN. We are a 12 bed unit with 2 RNs, 1 LPN and 1 CNA. In my opinion the biggest skill needed will be physical...
  9. Hello out there......anybody there?

    The company I work for has an IPU. I work there and in the field. We are a small unit, 12 beds. We are not a hospice house but a short term symptom management unit. Very few hospices in my area...
  10. I attended the Hurst Review in August. I paid $350. I attended with 3 of my classmates. I passed NCLEX the first time in 75 questions. I was the only one of us that passed the first time. Hurst had...
  11. WGU RN-BSN October 2015 start date

    October here
  12. PVT: Question of Character?

    I have been asked about the PVT and I simply state that it is unreliable. My results were on the SBON within 28 hours. I have a nurse friend that took her NCLEX about 20 years ago. She had to wait 6...

    I did a clinical rotation for my LPN - RN program. It was awful. Understaffed and mean employees that went out of their way to NOT be helpful. It was so bad that at one point my clinical instructor...
  14. Taking the NCLEX multiple times

    I passes my NCLEX in 75 questions on the first time. I mainly had prioritization questions, what would you do first? Who would you see first? I feel that the only way I was able to do this was my...
  15. meds - confused

    Yea, I thought about that myself. I hope the OP meant