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All Content by Pockets.

  1. FSW Fall 2015

    So how do we get the color vision test done or do we need to right now ? My doctor said lmhs would do it if needed. 😐
  2. FSW Fall 2015

    Wow thankyou! For me the place doing my shots looked up my records and they gave me vaccines I was missing so now I have all the vaccines needed(with mmrx2 instead of rubeola and rubella) but I have 0 titers that should be okay right ??
  3. FSW Fall 2015

    ok thankyou ! 'm confused about needing the anti hbs titer and if I have mmrx2 do I need rubella,rubeola,mumps filled out where it says if I'm immune :
  4. FSW Fall 2015

    Do you guys think it'd be ok to walk in and ask krotov about about the vaccines/titers or should I email her 😭😭😪
  5. FSW Fall 2015

    I don't even see where it says how to upload our documents there in our packet 😭😭
  6. FSW Fall 2015

    Okay thankyou ! I actually had varicella x2 vaccines didn't read where it says it can substitute for the titer!😁😁 And if I have mmrx2 I don't need mumps rubella and rubeola on the immunization page right?? 😪 Also do you mean the hepatitis ...
  7. FSW Fall 2015

    Oh and the color vision test ..???
  8. FSW Fall 2015

    Do we need the varicella titer if you have had chicken pox ? And do we need both hep A sessions before aug or is one fine ? and what's the anti-has titer for so confused 😭😭
  9. FSW Fall 2015

    I was just about to say I found it ! But thankyou :)
  10. FSW Fall 2015

    What are the different clinical locations for lee ?
  11. FSW Fall 2015

    I'm not understanding what classes to choose when it says this crn or another crn what's the difference 😞
  12. FSW Fall 2015

    I can only take the drug test on Monday which is the deadline day also.. I wonder if that'll be okay
  13. FSW Fall 2015

    Well when I was turning in my application the lady told me it would be by email :) & lee days for me hopefully!
  14. FSW Fall 2015

    Took my hesi for the first time the other day and got a 92 now hoping to get into lee with 91 points !