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  1. Tidewater Community College Question!

    I mentioned this on the other Tidewater 2015 thread, but I got in with Ethics in progress. I also wouldn't have had child psych done either, but I CLEP'd it just before applying. I highly recommend that CLEP exam.
  2. Tidewater Community College 2015

    For anyone who hasn't applied yet and will be doing so for Spring admission, I still had Ethics in progress and didn't have a problem. I also CLEP'd both Intro to Psych and Develomental/Child Psych about a week before the app deadline. I studied for ...
  3. Tidewater Community College 2015

    I believe all grades are considered as far as GPA, but the point system for courses is only based on co-requisites, with special emphasis on the sciences.
  4. Tidewater Community College 2015

    Hello, I'm new to this site, but glad I found this thread! I am also in Cohort 1 starting in August!