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All Content by AW1201

  1. Tulsa Community College ADN RN Program

    I am in a similar situation and was wondering what the out come was? Hoping you got in!
  2. Don’t believe anything they tell you!!!!

    I am applying to nursing school this September and from what I've experience so far I would say you have nailed it. I think the reason they tell you it is going to be so difficult is to make sure you're up for the challenge once you get in. Thank you...
  3. Hello Everyone, I am applying to nursing school this September and they focus on 3 main areas total GPA, science GPA, and the Nelson Denny test. With that said I have all the prerequisites that they require finished. However I am two science classes ...
  4. Thank you all for you help! I have decided to only take physiology this summer.
  5. I wish you the best of luck but the school I am applying at wont even look at you without Anatomy and Biology for majors.
  6. The deadline is the first week in September. They do not require you to have all five science classes completed when you apply, however, it defenitly helps. I have a 3.78 GPA but have only managed to get B's in my science classes... I just don't know...
  7. Thank you, that is what I have been telling myself. I am just concerned that I wont get in without all five science classes.